Chapter 24

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Aubrey and Mr Baker were making the way to the front between the rows of pews as the doors swung open. He was leading her by the hand, a tableau that reminded Penelope of an animation that she had watched when she was younger of Abraham leading Isacc up the mountain.

The light that Penelope held spewed across their backs and they stopped, slowly spinning around.

The two couples stared at each other for a moment, the silence like an iceberg just beginning to wobble, promising to tip. Mr Baker's dark eyes widened, and then narrowed.

"Funny the type of people you stumble into at this time of night," Victoria dryly said, her raspy voice echoing down the rows of pews.

"What are you doing here?" Mr Baker demanded. His voice was normally warm, friendly. It was what drew students to him, and apply to transfer from other Religion classes to his. But now, his voice was cold, like the fall air which flowed in from the open door. Aubrey hid behind him.

"Same goes for you. What are you doing on school property with a student at this hour?" Victoria asked.

"I have a right to be here."

"You're dodging the question," Victoria pointed out.

"If you leave right now, I might not call the cops on you. You girls have a bright future - don't lose it by getting a criminal record," Mr Baker said.

Victoria looked at Penelope and rolled her eyes. She didn't care.

"Isn't it criminal what you are doing as well?" Penelope asked.

"What am I doing?"

"Oh my god dude, you're jumping through so many mental hoops you should sign up for the circus," Victoria groaned.

"You're hanging out with a student after hours," Penelope helpfully pointed out. "Even if that isn't illegal, as she is 18, it's against school code."

"This is none of your business!" Aubrey raged.

Victoria sighed. "No it isn't. If it was up to me, I would leave you here with him. I don't particularly care for you."

Penelope nodded. "Me too. We didn't come here for you."

"Then why don't you leave?" She asked.

"We're waiting," Victoria said.

Aubrey looked around. "For who?"

Victoria looked deep into the shadows of the church. Penelope realized that was where a vampire would emerge from.

And one did. The shadows stretched and burched, revealing an old figure, with pale skin wrinkled like scales. It contrasted against surprisingly dark hair which was interlaced with silver strands.

Her face was covered in shadows, but as she stepped out of them, Penelope realized who she had come face to face with.

Principal Hapthy.

Aubrey let out a shriek and jumped back, but Mr Baker only just blinked. He had been expecting her as well.

It felt like puzzle pieces sliding together. Mr Baker's family all went to the school, and Principal Hapthy had worked there for god-knows how long. He'd be able to access students - like Aubrey. And he'd bring them to her, an old vampire who didn't want to have any connection to her victims.

"Oh my god," Aubrey shouted. "What is that?"

"She's a vampire," Victoria drily said. "And she wants to kill you."

"Vampires aren't real," Aubrey said, taking a step back. Her eyes were wide and twitching. Despite her statement of disbelief, her arms were raised, as if she was about to protect herself from a bear mauling her.

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