Chapter 9

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It was the day that she was returning to school, three days after Heidi had disappeared. She'd be returning alongside Chris, but Heidi was still gone. There were no further traces of her. While the search parties were called off, she hadn't been legally declared dead yet. The possibility of her still being alive hung like a phantom over them, but they knew that it was just an illusion after finding traces of her at Sullivan's Rock.

The atmosphere seemed suffocating, and Penelope didn't really know what to expect when she walked in. She knew that she'd be stared at in the courtyard,and at lunch she would be reminded that her frown was gone by the lack of her presence.

Even worse than her not being there would be her absence acknowledged. Justanother confirmation to Penelope that she was gone.

Penelope waiting, sitting in the warmth of her car, debating on whether or not to go in. No one would blame her if she reversed out of her parking space and drove back home. She could easily claim that it was all too much for her, because that was the reality.

But she knew that sooner or later she would have to go into school. Whether now, or in a week, or in a month when all of her teachers had put in 0s for her assignments. SHe'd rather do it now.

Well, not exactly now. Staying in her car for longer wouldn't hurt.

She waited until it was close for the bell to ring to head inside. Instead of waiting in the courtyard, she made her way to her first period class. Technically, she wasn't supposed to do that, students weren't allowed to be in the halls without a teacher's note before the bell rang, but she didn't care

The bell rang, and it took a few minutes for the teacher to arrive and open the door. When she did, she gave Penelope an almost pitying look, though she didn't say anything.

Penelope sat in the back corner like always. It was a position that allowed her less scrutiny from the teacher. But now, when the students glanced her way, it was obvious, as they had to turn to face her. SHe could see the looks of pity on their faces as well, along with some sort of curiosity. SHe felt like a three-legged lion on display at a zoo.

She tried to pay attention to the class whilst everyone else was paying attention to her, but it was an uphill battle. Maybe I should have stayed home after all, she thought to herself, tuckin a strand of golden-brown hair behind her ear.

THe bell rang soon enough, and she was off to religion class. At least I'll be sittin with Victoria in there. She'll understand, Penelope thought to herself.

But before she could get there, she overheard something that topped her cold. "It's so sad what happened. I was in a few classes with her, and she always seemed so nice. I'm praying for her return."

Penelope glanced at who had said it. Of course, it was Aubrey. Penelope felt ire burn a hole in her throat. SHe had been nothing but a bully to the poor girl, and now that she was gone, she wanted to claim that they were friends for attention.

Penelope was determined not to let that stand. She began to walk over, a cruel and savage remark building in her throat, but before she could say anything, she felt her throat sort of close up on her. If she said anything, she would open the floodgates on her emotions and end up crying in the middle of the crowded hallway.

She put her hand down and backed away. She didn't want more eyes on her. She made her way to religion class, and sat down in her seat.

Victoria sat down beside her. Penelope whispered to her, "Have you heard what Aubrey's been saying?"

"She's still saying that?"

"So you know?"

"Yeah, she's been pretending that she's the victim. It's been annoying. I told her if she didn't shut up I'd punch her. Guess I have to deliver on that promise."

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