Chapter 6: Making Amends

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When I heard Ash, I couldn't believe my ears. Voltage was the traitor. After everything we have been through? How could he?I was also full of regret how I have accused Storm of being a traitor when he really wasn't.

How could I be so foolish......... he most certainly hates me now............. he............ he......... won't trust me anymore............ why did I accuse him......... why was I so foolish.........

I felt betrayed by Voltage. I gave him a second chance in life....  I gave him a chance to be brand new....... But he betrayed me......... now all we had is gone.........

I jumped onto a chair, feeling regret, anger, betrayal, hate... all of them. Sadness, guilt, and fear too............ I'm afraid I may lose a friend all because of me............

Then Coral snapped me out of my thoughts

"Hey Snow you okay?" Coral asked. "He hates me, doesn't he?"  I turned to her. Coral was confused, "Who hates you?!"

"Storm hates me. I accused him for being a traitor, I hurt him with my Blizzard move, I..... I ......he must hate me now..." Coral gave me a stare of concern.

"No he doesn't, Snow......... what I hear from Ash, before he betrayed him he was a kindhearted, forgiving, and friendly Pikachu before he turned all bitter and cold.... He doesn't hate you Snow.... He doesn't hate any of us...... he just thinks he's all alone in the world........." I turned my head to her in surprise.

"He still thinks he's alone?........." I asked in shock. Coral nodded. "You see, Moonlight told me that Storm told her that he has been alone for a while. He has been beaten and tricked, and even with us, he still thinks he's all alone." Coral said.

I moved my gaze to the floor sadly, and Coral noticed this and nuzzled me. "Storm doesn't hate you ......... like I said, he thinks he's still alone in the world and he shuts everyone out...." Coral said comfortingly.

I smiled. "Thanks Coral you really are the bestest friend anyone could ask for in the darkest times."

Coral giggled. "Hehehe. Your welcome." She replied.

I walked away from her and towards the room where Storm is laying unconscious. I sighed sadly and was about to leave when I saw Storm's whole body tense up.

I walked towards Storm and I saw him open his eyes a little. I sniffed him and he almost screamed, backing away from me after doing so, then he realized it is me.

"Oh........." Storm formed a glare. "It's you." He said coldly. I put my paws up on his bed and I proceeded to jump on it. I jumped and I landed on the bed.  Then I laid down next to him.

"I'm sorry for accusing you of being the traitor when you really weren't....... if I knew your history I really wouldn't have...... I deeply regret what I did............ and I don't know if you'll ever forgive me......... but I am so very sorry........."

Storm was shocked at my apology. For a second I was afraid he didn't forgive me but then...... he smiled.

"I forgive you Snow......I don't really want to go back to being a loner for good............ and I don't want to feel betrayed again because you'll most likely turn on me if I don't............ so I forgive you."

"Thanks Storm." We smiled at each other and then we shared a wholehearted embrace.

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