It's times like this you can't trust anyone, with a traitor in the team. Stuck in the same exact situation, a traitor in the Eeveelution group causes a rift between the team, and no one's like themselves anymore. In fact, Pearl is more bitter than u...
Oh, hey it's you! Yeah I know you, the people who have been reading this! You ask what has happened?
Well me and Ash separated from Goh and Grookey to go on our own journey. It was sad being separated from the others, but it was very fun as me and Ash met a lot of new friends!
Pearl forgave me for what happened earlier and guess what? She met an Eevee named Luka! Luka evolved into an Umbreon, and Pearl evolved into an Espeon. The perfect duo! They had two kids named Kai and Faith.
Moonlight evolved into a Flareon and met another Flareon named Blaze, who she mated and had a kid named Ember.
In the most surprising twist, Pyro and Ruby were keeping a secret- they were in love! A Flareon, and an Espeon, together. I know right? Not what'd you expect. Soon they had three kids named Phoenix, Aurora, and Apollo!
Voltage and Snow also fell in love, and had four kids, named Electro, Storm Jr (yes Storm Jr was named after me), Crystal, and Winters.
Shadow and Ribbons fell in love and had a kid named Hope.
Coral? Well Coral fell in love with a Lucario. No, not Ash's, but a Lucario. His name is Spike. They adopted a Pikachu, which I felt honored by that, and a Charmander, which already evolved into Charmeleon. The Pikahcu's name is Lucy while the Charmeleon's name is Blake.
Me and Ash? Well...We decided to go off on our own journey. Together. Battling all kinds of trainers and with eight years of practice, Ash became what he desired to be; a Pokémon Master!
"Let's not forget Thalassa," Voltage reminded me. "Dang it! Thalassa! Thanks Voltage!"
Who could forget about Thalassa?
HOW DARE YOU- anyway, moving on. Thalassa and Chloe was inspired by Ash's Battling, that they had their own battle with another trainer named Hayden.
"You're just ignoring me aren't you?"
Oh! You must be surprised and saying, "Storm is being friendly to someone!"Well I returned back to my friendly, kindhearted, forgiving self. I learned I am not alone anymore-
Not that i was EVER alone if you're listening VOLTAGE!
"Now I'll leave."
You do that, PLEASE. I'm trying to describe what happened in the future!
"You know it's not the ending right?"
Oh yes I know, as we have to pass down the torch to someone eventually.
"Never say 'Pass down the torch' again or I'll use Iron Tail on you."
I laughed internally as I practically could see Voltage's annoyed face. "Now I know how Moonlight felt."
"Shouldn't you be leaving now?"
I felt my Aura with Voltage cut off. Like what Voltage said, this isn't the ending. In fact...
This is only the beginning.............
It's done.....Second Round is done.... Of course I'm continuing this series.... I'm not discontinuing it......I promise you that.
Anyway, this is the new book.
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It focuses on a Grookey named Layla, who travels with Electro, a shiny eevee named Rosemary, and a Scorbunny named Scott.
Romances: Grookey x Scorbunny /Layla x Scott
Bad guy: Red the Shiny Umbreon
Traitors: I will show no spoilers
What's different? Well this time around it won't be focusing on just the Eeveelutions. It will be focusing on a Grookey, named Layla, and her Scorbunny boyfriend, named Scott, with their friends Shine and Electro.
I'd also like to say something else that I had desired to say ever since I created Moonlight the Shiny Eevee-
🎵 I'd rather be SHINY!🎵
I was desiring to do that ever since I created Moonlight the Shiny Eevee! It goes with her so well. 🎵I'd rather be shiny....🎵
Okay anyway-
Will Layla the Grookey find her destiny or be cast aside as an annoying nuisance like her entire species?
Will one of her friends turn her back on her?
Find out in......... Hidden in the Scars...
This is the end of Storm the Pikachu's he must 'pass down the torch' to Layla the Grookey...
Anyway ...
I hope you enjoyed... you can be sure the journey continues!
This is the end of Storm's journey... but you can be sure another journey will begin...... as the journey continues! *It shows a Grookey tilting her head and soon running off*