Chapter 4: You're the Traitor!

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When Storm and Pearl got home, Storm was all scratched up and Pearl was glaring at him. "Storm! What happened!?" Ash asked in distress.

"Pearl happened. I thought she was the traitor and she lashed out on me and used Blizzard. Which she knows is my weakness!" Storm snapped. "Then I tried to help him up but he pulled away from me like he hated me!" Pearl shouted. I growled at Storm.

"You thought she was the traitor?! I think you're the traitor here!!" I shouted. "Me? Oh for the love of- I defeated Mewthree's Charizard and saved the universe from her about to gigantamax him and the others!!" Storm argued.

"Grrrr!!" I deeply regret what I did next as I used Blizzard on him. Storm was blown into a wall and collapsed. "STORM!!" Ash shouted and ran towards him.

Then Ash looked at me, which I was in shock of what I have just done

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Then Ash looked at me, which I was in shock of what I have just done. "You didn't need to do that Snow." Ash said. I stayed silent. "He IS the traitor, so I did. Change my mind." I scoffed. 

"He's not the traitor. I have known Storm for a very long time, he wouldn't do such a thing!" Ash shouted. "Yeah right." Pearl said. "I was trying to apologize but he rejected it! He's such a meanie!" Pearl shouted.

"Listen to me! Storm's NOT the traitor! If I say that then he's not the traitor! Why am I defending him if he's the traitor!?" Ash argued. "You don't want Storm to feel betrayed." I answered.

"That's true but again he's been my #1 partner since forever! He's my strongest Pokémon and my bestest friend so I am defending him!" Ash shouted.

I stormed away. Unknowing to us all,Voltage was  smirking during the argument...

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