Chapter 2: A Rift Between the Team

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Pearl comes up to me

"Hey Storm! Wait up!" Pearl said. "Who do you think is the traitor!?" Pearl added. I looked at her. She seemed offended.

"You really think I would ever betray any of you?!" Pearl asked.

"YES." I answered.

"You are so mean!!" Pearl shouted at me and used Blizzard on me. Then she gasped in shock of what she had done. She knew Blizzard hurt me very much before and she did it again.

"Storm I'm so sorry! Forgive me!" Pearl said running up to me. I was trying to fight back my tears of betrayal. Thankfully I was both physically and mentally good at battling.

Pearl helped me up. "Are you okay? I am so so so so sorry!" Pearl said. I pulled away from her in betrayal, and she seemed shocked and a tear escaped her eye and then she started crying.

 I pulled away from her in betrayal, and she seemed shocked and a tear escaped her eye and then she started crying

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"You're lucky I can't use Thunderbolt on you. You lucked yourself out on that one." I growled and limped off, leaving Pearl alone crying.

Then she started walking a different direction. When I looked at her, her head was hung low and she was still crying.

 When I looked at her, her head was hung low and she was still crying

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Then she looked at me in half sadness half anger

Then she looked at me in half sadness half anger

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I looked back at her

I looked back at her

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Then she looked away. And so did I as I limped back to Cerise Laboratory she went the other way.

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