Chapter 8: Redemption? Or Betrayal?

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Voltage POV

I heard someone come in Mewfour's lair. I saw the rest of the Eeveelution and Pikachu group. I groaned in annoyance, I didn't really want them to be here, and I wasn't expecting intruders. Then out of nowhere- Snow spoke up.

"Voltage, this has to stop." Snow told me sternly, "And who will stop me? You?" I asked Snow harshly, and she glared at me. Then Storm stepped up. "No, she won't be stopping you. We will be stopping you Voltage!" Storm growled.

Snow took one step up, and I could practically hear music playing in the background.

This has to stop now,
Whatever it is that you're going through,
We'll fix it together, me and you,
Just like we've always done,

I turned my head towards her and I growled under my breath.

No! This has to stop now!
This thing where you think that you've been my friend,
And don't even hear how you condescend,
The way you've always done,

Snow took another step up, her glare softening into a look of desperation and plea.

Voltage, listen,

I groaned

I'm listening!

I know it isn't true,

I titled my head

Isn't it?

Just look into my eyes now

My look softened and I turned away


I know you feel it too

My eyes softened as I glanced at Snow in confusion.

Perhaps I do...

Voltage, listen,

I'm listening!

I swear it's not too late
So before another line gets crossed
And everything we had is lost

Then I turned my head towards her, tilting my head in confusion and disbelief.

No, I won't wait!

I used Discharge on everyone, resulting in everyone being thrown back (all except Storm of course, because he is an electric type like me)

There's a line between the winners and the losers
There's a line between the chosen and the rest
And I've done the best I could
But I always known just where we stood
Me here with the luckless
You there with the blessed

That part was directed towards Storm, as he was the favorite of Ash's Pokemon, and I often felt outshined by Storm

And that line between the beggars in the choosers
Is a line that you've never let me quite ignore
How I've tried to jump that great divide
But I've never got the chances you were given

I jumped on top of a rock with Snow looking desperate, Storm looking like he's trying to say "Be reasonable, Voltage!"

You don't know how much i've been denied
Well, I'm not being patient anymore

Snow jumped on the same rock I was on but I pounced on her

I'm crossing the line!
And I'm done holding back
So look out, clear the track
It's my turn!

Storm used Tackle to get me off of Snow, and I saved myself by managing to get on a rock.

I'm taking what's mine!
Every drop, every smidge
If I'm burning a bridge
Let it burn
But I'm crossing the line!

Snow put her paws on top of the rock I was on, looking desperate, as if begging me to come back.

And for us, if we're over
That's fine

I jumped on several rocks until I got to the top.

I'm crossing the line!

I sat down, glaring at all of them. Pearl and Moonlight were hiding behind Blossom. Dang it my soft spot for young/weak/featherbrained Pokémon! Whatever....

"Voltage please, I know there's still good in you. Come back to us, don't be working for Mewfour anymore. I am willing to give you a second chance. Please Voltage, we will forgive you, just please......... come back my friend." Snow begged.

My look softened as I look at Snow's pleading icy blue eyes. Snow was jumping from rock to rock until we were so close, a piece of paper couldn't slip between us.

 Snow was jumping from rock to rock until we were so close, a piece of paper couldn't slip between us

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She, she gives me a second chance? After everything I did? Should I go back? I-I mean... Mewfour doesn't seem to need me now that I am found out....and I-

I don't know anymore-

After everything I've been through, abusive owners, forced evolving, - should I trust again?

I don't know who I am anymore. Who am I? A Hero, or a villain? Who am I meant to be? Just another lackey for Mewfour's evil plans? Or someone who steps into the light, and accepts Snow's second chance?

I forgot about one Pokémon- Storm. He was the first to find out, besides, right after he awoke from his unconsciousness, I blasted him! Who could forgive me for that?

I moved my gaze to the floor as I turned onto my side and got up, making Snow roll off of me. "They won't forgive me, you may have, but what about Storm, Shadow, Pearl, Moonlight, Ruby, Pyro, Blossom, Coral, and Ribbons?" I asked.

One look at Storm, and I knew what he was saying. "I already forgave you. In fact; I knew that we wanted you as an ally, no, a friend, and not an enemy. We will forgive you Voltage."

My eyes started glistening and I made my decision.........

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