It's times like this you can't trust anyone, with a traitor in the team. Stuck in the same exact situation, a traitor in the Eeveelution group causes a rift between the team, and no one's like themselves anymore. In fact, Pearl is more bitter than u...
"Arghh! Stop it this instant you weak, useless Pokémon!" Mewfour flew around, trying to get Storm and Voltage off of his tail. "Now's your chance! Use Thunderbolt, and hang on!" Voltage told Storm.
"You too, Voltage. Only you use Volt Tackle." Storm replied. The electric types then grinned at each other, and, with a confident look on their faces, nodded.
The thing with Electric Aura, is that it's sort of like Lucario's aura. Only it's used for electricity types. Okay, you may be confused, so here's an example- if a Pichu got lost from his clan, then he can use Electric Aura to help himself find them.
"PIKAAAAAAA- CHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!" Storm shouted, activating his power, using Thunderbolt.
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"Jolteon!" Voltage shouted, using Volt Tackle. Then they were both panting of exhaustion. "Is he...Done?"
Mewfour growled and kicked Voltage with his tail, making Voltage unconscious. "Voltage, no!" Storm shouted in fear for his friend. Then he heard
"You can finish this attack. Just use Thunderstorm. Remember that move?" (I'm calling the move that Pikachu used to defeat Leon's Charizard in the final episode of Journeys 'Thunderstorm'.)
"I...I can't. I don't know how." Storm said, not knowing what to do. "It's okay, you can do this, I believe in you." Voltage said.
"But how do you know I won't let everyone down?" Storm said, being doubtful.
"Everyone's backing you up, remember?Lucario, Dragonite, Dracovish, Gengar, SirFetch'd, and the others! Remember that you are not alone anymore." Voltage assured Storm.
"I'm not alone anymore..." Storm whispered aloud, snapping himself out of the Electric Aura.
"I'm not alone anymore..." he repeated quietly, looking at the others.
"I'm not alone anymore!" He said quietly aloud, it was in a whispery voice, but his tone had confidence in him.
Then, Ash gave a brightened smile, knowing what Storm is thinking of. "Okay Storm! We're gonna put all we got into this attack!" Ash shouted, and Storm got into position in front of his trainer.
Mewfour got ready to battle (play this video when I say so)
Storm and Mewfour got into position.(Play video now)
I wanna be the very best,
Like no one ever was,
Storm crouched with a confident smile on his face, and the red circles on his face sparked yellow electricity. "Piiiiikaaaa...."