Cream Cheese Stuffed Strawberries

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Ingredients: Cream cheese, strawberries, powdered sugar, vanilla extract, crushed graham cracker

First, wash and core a package of strawberries, discarding the innards and leaves. 

Using an electric mixer, combine eight ounces of cream cheese with a half cup (1/2) of powdered sugar and one teaspoon of vanilla. 

After everything is mixed, scoop the contents into a Ziploc bag. 

Cut a little more than the corner of the Ziploc bag off, turning it into a piping bag. 

Squeeze the cream cheese mixture into the hollowed-out portion of the strawberry, filling it just enough so it pokes out the top. 

Once all the strawberries are filled, sprinkle the crushed graham cracker onto the cream cheese mixture. 

Refrigerate for an hour before serving.

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