[3] x's & o's.

466 13 14

"jude, i'm blackmailing you and you want me to meet your mother? are you that into
blackmailing stuff?"

"if i could have it my way, you'd be out of my life permanently. but my mom has been asking to see you ever since she found out."

you rolled your eyes and slump on the couch. "why can't you tell her some other time? it's not fair on my part." you whined. this was the nadir of her day. it was unbelievable to her that he could say it so causally.

"stop whining and agree to do it." you stared at him and became taciturn for the entire night.

you leave the hotel in dissatisfaction. the plan you have created in a drunken mindset was obviously not going to be perfect and have its flaws. but meeting jude's mother was something you never would have planned.

jude watched you cross the street from his condo. his view of the city made it worth every single dime he spent on it. from the corner of his eye, he sees his phone going off.

he watched his phone screen appeared with a new message from the same unknown number.
unknown number

hey i heard what happened between you and y/n
stay away from her she's a horrible person

who's this

listen i can't say my identity

tell me who is this and why i should listen to you

in jude's mind, he already knew you were the devil in disguised. the way your mind first thought of blackmailing him for your own personal benefit said enough.

unknown number

i'm her ex
but i don't want to sound like a crazy ex who wants her back
i'm the type of ex to warn you about her

what are you talking about

i know y/n well enough
i know she probably has some dirt on you and is black mailing you 

what has she done to you

i can't tell you much about it through messages but
but she's evil
i've come to warned you she's fucking evil


she's evil
scandalous and evil.

jude felt the tension rise in the room. he felt like he was a bug who was caught in a black widow's web. there was truly no escape if what this person said was real.

he knew if he didn't defend you, you'd have your way with him. you'd probably force him to promote your stuff or even worse. as much as he didn't want too, his responses were in your favor.

unknown number

lol you sound insane
leave my gf alone.

please i'm trying to help you
leave while you can
sometimes i wished i held her head underwater when we were together...

stfu before i call the cops weirdo

he felt awfully for how he ended the conversation before blocking him. but it was what had to be done.

jude wipes of the sweat off his forehead. the stress of it was getting to him. he decides to call you in effort to gain more information.

"hey y/n i was g-"

y/n quickly cuts him off, "is it an emergency? did you go broke?"

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