[6] come over.

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it had been two weeks since your official 'debut' into stardom. safe to say you've gained massive support. whether it be girls wanting to be you, or thirsty boys hoping to get a chance, you still had support.

but within those two weeks, you made no contact with jude. it made him paranoid. he refreshed your instagram page daily, and watches your following go up every single day. did you no longer need him?

am i free from her wrath?

he placed his phone on the coffee table and leans his head back on the couch. closing his eyes, he thinks about how you posed naturally in front of the cameras. the image of you on the red carpet replayed over and over again like a broken record. it was almost as if you were made for that type of life.

why was he thinking of you? shouldn't he be glad you're out of his life?

before any of his thoughts turned provocative, a familiar vibration interrupted.

he stared at the phone, it was you. your contact was on his screen and he hesitated before picking up. "hello?" jude spoke softly.

"you left your sweater in my apartment. come and get it."

a sigh leaves his lips, "you can keep it. i don't really feel like driving to your place."

"no i don't want it. i'll drop it off."

"y/n just keep-" he hears the line cutoff on your end.

jude gazed down at his phone for a moment before talking to himself. "i guess i have to enjoy the little time i have by myself before she arrives."

he shuts his eyes and unintentionally drifts to sleep. it didn't last as long as he had hoped.

an aggressive knock on his door made jude jolt up. on his way to the door, he stubs his toe.

must be a sign or some type of bad omen.

"jude open the fucking door!" your knocks become more impatient and aggressive. the young man swung his door open before you could do any more damage.

"you didn't have to.." he trails off when you forcefully made your way inside, "..drive all the way here."

it was a sore sight to see you go through his kitchen and pour yourself a drink. did you have no manners?

"why are you here y/n?" he squints his eyes towards you, trying to crack down whatever motivates you had.

"i can't see my boyfriend?" you said in between sips of wine. "just kiddingggg, let's fuck."

jude felt his ears heating up. the flustered look on his face was enough to make you laugh.

"like hell i'll ever stick my dick in you ever again!" he swallowed whatever was left in his mouth. "get out my house, y/n. now."

there was no way you'd take no for an answer. especially when you know he wants to go along with your idea. "jude drop your pride and let's get it over with. please baby."

he felt his knees almost give out. that pet name certainly did something to him. jude lays out his options. why did he originally reject your proposal? any logical thought runs out of his head and he thinks with his dick.

he glances at you. your hair was styled. your makeup was beautiful. one more noticeable feature, your boobs. how they sat perfectly, pushed up in your v-cut top.

then it clicked for him.

you could care less about his sweater. you just wanted to see him for a special appointment.

"this is the last time we ever sleep together. come on." he whispered the last part as he took in your hand. intertwining your fingers with his, he guides you to his bedroom.

once you stepped foot into his bedroom, he placed gentle kisses on your neck. you turn your head to an angle so he could better access your bare skin. your eyes flickered to the way he trembled trying to take off your top and bra in one go.

jude successfully takes off your top and bra, leaving you with just your boobs out. he gulps and slowly moves his hands from your waist to your chest.

"you have a nice set of tits you know.." he mumbled against your skin. "they fit perfectly into my palms." his fingers played with your nipple and you gently hold onto the back of his head.

"jude please fuck me already." you pleaded. rarely would anyone catch you begging, let alone begging to a man.

he looks up and makes prolong eye contact. "is that what you want? you want me to make you feel good huh?" you nodded your head, pouting at his last sentence.

your hands reached for his pants. the slim fingers around his waist band tugs on it. it was clear you were growing impatient with his teasing.

"calm down, i won't let you leave here tonight unsatisfied." he teased once again. jude removes your fingers that were tugging on his pants. instead, he slips his hand into your pants.

you felt his two dominant fingers easily slip into you. "you're so wet for me and all i did was play with your boobs."

the only response he was able to get from you was a whimper. in one swift movement, he pulled his dick out. "raw or condom? you choose babe."

"condom please." you got comfortable and laid on the bed, closing your eyes. you listen intently. hearing him shuffle around his room, opening cabinets to look for a condom. it wasn't long before you heard a wrapper being open and a condom being slipped on.

"you ready for my dick?" before you can respond, a voice all too familiar to jude interrupts from downstairs.


you gave him a bewildered look. his face didn't make you feel any better. it looked like he had just seen a ghost. pale and scared.

"jude who the hell is that?" you whispered.

he gulps before whispering, "i-it's my brother.."

now it was your turn for your face to pale and be scared. "y/n it's my fucking brother, get dressed and look presentable." he said while putting back his clothes.



"jude what do i do, where do i go?" you whispered as you desperately looked for your top.

"you stay up here and be fucking quiet. after five minutes, you come downstairs looking presentable!! i'll just say you fell asleep while we had a movie date or something.." he rushed to gather himself together before going downstairs.

he gives you one finally glance before going downstairs, "and for the love god, do not embarrass me."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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