[5] pretty when you cry.

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"do not pull on miss. l/n's hair. be gentle on our client.", scolded the head of the hair crew to the other, less experience, stylist.

the day of the event had finally arrived. you yawned into your sleeve as it was currently 5 in the afternoon. you had exactly two more hours to look presentable before you had to leave.

you leaned back into the stylist chair and look around. once again, you were in jude's apartment. this time it was his guest room. since you've gotten here, you hadn't gotten the chance to see him. jude didn't even open the door when you knocked, it was an assistant.

the corner of your eye catches one of the stylish heating the curling iron. you had no actual say in what type of hair you wanted. apparently, jude had sorted everything out for you.

'mr.bellingham has already chosen your dress, hairdo and nails for today. you have no reason to stress.'

was it really a good idea for jude, a MAN, to be choosing anything? your mind goes wild with thoughts of a crazy hairstyle. would he go to extreme lengths to embarrass you tonight? an audible sigh left your mouth, casting a despondent atmosphere.

"is everything not to your liking? are the nails not to your satisfaction?" a sanguine stylist bent down to your level and asked you. you stared into her eyes, only to look at your own reflection.

"ma'am? are you alright?" she opens her mouth again, "oh i know! you probably want to see your boyfriend! you still haven't seen him, correct?"

your mouth spoke faster than you could think. "as if i'd want that ugly boy in this room." you snorted out. everyone slowly turns their heads towards you.

you retract, "i- i mean, well what i meant to say was- um.." before you could come up with a poor excuse for your nasty comment, a deep voice interrupts.

"what she meant to say was that we got into a disagreement last night. it seems to me you're still not over it?" he covered for you.

"yeah, something like that." you muttered through your lips. your head sulks down in shame and embarrassment. your eyes trail to the doorway.

there he was, leaning against the wall. he was wearing a black suit that was tailored to his liking. one thing that caught your eye was that he wasn't wearing a shirt. completely bare underneath the suit jacket.

"is that how you are really going? no shirt or anything?"

"uh oh, i guess the girlfriend doesn't approve. you know what that means mr. bellingham!" everyone laughed at the 'joke' the main stylist had cracked. even jude got a little chuckle from it.

"no it's fine. if that's how you want to go, i'll leave it alone." you truly had no problem with his outfit. it just looked a little odd.

"let me translate this one for you jude," the very obviously gay stylist tipped in, "she means that she doesn't want you to wear that. cover up boy!"

again, everyone burst into laughter but the two of you. you glanced his way, only to find out he was already staring at you.

"i'll go cover up if you really want me too y/n." he points to the hall that led to his bedroom. something you noticed was that his voice was very sincere.

"no it's fine!" you raised your hands in defense, "i really have no problem with you wearing that."

the stylist intervened again. "jude she wants to you cover up. she's not going to tell you directly. you better listen to us!"

"no- really jude believe me it's fine!!" you were very irritated at this point. "it just looks weird that's all!"

"and what she means by that, she doesn't want anyone looking at her man's chest." said the one curling your hair.

JUDE BELLINGHAM || DOIN' TIMEWhere stories live. Discover now