[4] wildest dreams.

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the both of you sat right across from each other in his living room. he awkwardly tried to assert his dominance by staring you down. you quickly deflated any confidence he had left by accidentally chuckling out loud.


"umm- oh sorry go ahead.."

even more awkward, he interrupted your sentence. at this point you were ready to go home. was fucking him even worth it if he was this diffident?

"jude why'd you call me over? i thought you hated my guts." his eyes averted away from yours. this didn't go unnoticed, and you couldn't miss this opportunity to tease him about it.

"awe did you miss me that much?" you rapidly blink your eyelashes, making him even more flustered.

"not really.." he realizes his friend was rising. before you could look over at his situation, he aggressively grabs a pillow to cover himself up.

even though he believed what he did was discreet, you noticed it. hiding a boner with a pillow was common tactic. everyone on planet earth pass the age of 15 knew what that meant.

"ohhh i get it now. you know, when i called you this morning you did sound odd. at first i thought it was because i called you in the morning.." you paused and got up from the couch.

his eyes locked in with yours. forbidding himself from taking your eyes off you, he studied the way you walked towards him.

once you seductively made your way onto his lap, you removed the pillow that was in your way. his breath becomes unsteady. the only way you noticed it was because of how close the two of you were. you could feel his uneven breathing on your cheek.

"i have a feeling you had a wet dream about me. please tell me i'm right." you slowly moved your hips in a comfortable space while also kissing him.

jude, being in a daze, nodded his head with no real thoughts in his head. his hands made its way to your hair. you felt his fingers massage your scalp, making your pleasure be known as you moaned into his lips. each finger was entangled with each strand of your hair.

"can we go to my bedroom.? i'd rather not do it on my white couch."

by the end of the night, you found yourself curled up comfortably in his expensive sheets. your clothes were all over his room. after two long hours, he had completely drained whatever was left from you.
out of everyone you've slept with, jude definitely topped it. the best two hours of pleasure anyone could ever have. the same could be said for the golden boy.

he laid on the right side of the bed, wondering if you had sucked a piece of his soul out from his dick. the young adult reconsiders if you were a blessing or a curse.

"you know, i've been wanting these hermes sandals for a while. i'll be expecting them within the next friday."

those sentences alone was enough to answer the question. you were no blessing; just a girl who makes his pockets HURT.

"we sleep together, and you end up getting whatever you ask for?? is that really how we're going to be?" he sits up straight and looks at you. his eyes screamed 'is this bitch crazy

"what? you really think i'd sleep with you again without asking for something? we made a deal from the start mister." out of pettiness, you huff really loud. his response was sighing in disappointment. you really couldn't go one day without asking for something in return.

you turn towards him and gently rub his arm in a vertical pattern. your fingers slowly started dancing on his skin.

"sleeping with me comes with a price. it's not cheap to keep me around." you whispered. the sentence had no real emotion to it. it was too monotone for jude to take you as a joke.

"i don't even want to keep you around." he remarked, "i'll get you those shoes. what color did you want it in?"

a cheesy grin plasters across your face. "wow it's like having a sugar daddy but i'm not fucking an old man. i want the brown ones, i'll send some photos."

he rolls his eyes to your funny but unfunny joke. "hilarious. go ahead and send me your shoe size too."

the young man watched you get up and out from his arms. you pranced around his room before entering the connected bathroom. he was too tired to question your silly little victory walk.

how did i get so unlucky?  she's wasted potential. she's beautiful and very clever. why does she to be the way she is.??

his mind continues to ask himself useless questions about you, only to be left with even more unanswered questions. he stares at the bathroom door, patiently waiting for you to come out.

it takes a good 30 minutes before you come out his bathroom with a towel wrapped around your body. his towel. you showered with his shampoo. you used his conditioner, and you used his towel.

"who's shampoo did you use?" jude asked. being the oldest in his family, he wasn't too fond of the idea of sharing.

you roll your eyes in response. "who else's shampoo? yours duh." he was appalled on how causal you could be about it. "by the way, you're a millionaire. why are you using shit shampoo?"

"you use my water to take a shower, and you insult my shampoo? what's wrong with my shampoo??" he snarled.

"it's a 3 in 1 shampoo. what isn't wrong with it? invest into something good for once.."

"so what exactly should i invest in? you?" his pointless remake when over your head. you took it as a compliment instead.

"yes! some good shampoo and conditioner is also a good thing to invest in." you replied.

as you say that, you were changing into some of his clothing. it was a breaking point for him.

"take my shit off, this isn't just a 'walk all over jude' place." he snatches the socks out of your hands. "how about you invest into some nice socks. i mean look at yours."

"what's wrong with my socks?" you said cluelessly as if they weren't mismatched with small holes in them.

he brings his fingers to the bridge of his nose. "listen y/n, i'll invest into some good shampoo if you get some new bloody socks."

you laughed at his deal. jude actually being offended by your socks was a joke to you.

"okay then. i'll go ahead and buy some socks online."

you went under his sheets and covers and made yourself comfortable. he observed your phone and saw you pull up amazon.

"15 orders on socks? don't you think that's a little much y/n?"

"i'll go ahead and order you some shampoo." you smiled his way and looked away. through your teeth, you gritted "since you complain you don't get anything in return.."

"i heard that..have a goodnight wearing my boxers and shirt. i hope the tags on them bother you all night." he dramatically turns his back towards you.

"goodnight golden boy"

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