pt.7 🌹

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Taehyung just wanted to get water to drink in peace , heading down the stairs when he hears it , the screams , the non stop cursing , his psychopathic mother throwing things around , his parents bickering back and forth.

it gets so bad , So bad that they harm each other , he stands there having the flashbacks , the multiple nights he would runaway as a teen , meeting up with jungkook in their secret cabin in the woods , he'd weep and tremble.

He was also abused , his mother wasn't just controlling , she was insane .

( 𝘧𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘩 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘴 )

" taehyung - a , eomma is having guests today , make sure to behave and be pretty."

Her cringe voice , brushing his hair harshly, at 16 taehyung was forced to hang around men in suits , his mother would say " you'll get favours quickly".

In the midst of crowds he was groped , touched inappropriately by those old men , if he did not act according to how she wanted , she'd assault him , lock him up in a basement for hours to starve him .

The screams bringing him back to reality , fisting his knuckles with might till they turn white , he looks at his hands , remembering the scars on his fists whenever he punched the wall so hard , hoping it will break just to escape that hell hole of a basement , swiping his tears with vigour as he heads back up .

" should I call jungkook? " he's pacing , trembling as his trauma is kicking in.

Jungkook has always been his comfort zone , he runs to jungkook always , crying in his arms , jungkook was his escape and freedom.

" aniyo " he backs down , placing his phone on the table.

" I won't call him , I have to be strong " he takes deep breathes , anger swimming in his eyes.

Heading back down now that his parents are not in the living room , stepping into the kitchen only to be pissed , his mother is there.

He ignores her , grabbing a glass cup.

" taehyung- a , we used to be so close , how long will you distance yourself? don't you miss me? " his mother whines in her drunkenness , staggering as she drinks.

" Mi-Chin-Nyeon " taehyung mutters under his breath , filling his cup with water.

Before he knows it , his mother is dragging his arm , giving him a jump scare.

" GET OFF ME YOU CRAZY WENCH!" He screams at her , forcefully removing his arm from her grip causing her to fall.

" mwo? " taehyung's eyes is widened.

~ 𝕂𝕆𝕆𝕂𝕍 𝕆ℕ𝔼𝕊ℍ𝕆𝕋𝕊 ~ 🌺Where stories live. Discover now