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Taehyung had no idea kissing jungkook would feel heavenly , feeling like he's levitating , their lips entangled as he's falling back on the couch with jungkook very much on top of him.

Moaning into the kiss as they explore each others carven , jungkook rests his hand on tae's waist but as soon as his hands starts to move taehyung panics , pushing jungkook off slightly , hyperventilating with his chest heaving , eyes widening as the horrible memories flash right before his eyes.

Too lost in lust to have realized that taehyung is not in his right state of mind to perpetuate anything .

" I'm so sorry " jungkook apologizes , crouching beside taehyung who tries to sit up , not noticing the tears leaving his eyes.

Jungkook tries to help him up but taehyung halts him before he could even touch him .

" don't touch me , please " taehyung pleads , his voice breaking jungkook's heart.

Jungkook nods in understanding , feeling bad to sit and watch taehyung in his vulnerable moment , so he leaves.



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The bar going a pin drop silent as soon as the king and two elders walk in , the elders being hoseok and yoongi , the three have ran the palace for decades , watching winter , summer , spring all pass by along with the dead.

Jungkook is lost in though , looking distressed as he can't stop thinking about taehyung , the horror and pain in his eyes , jungkook feels dirty like he was taehyung's rapist , he prays taehyung doesn't view him like that.

" what's troubling the great jeon? "Hoseok asks , hands rubbing jungkook's back , causing him to sigh , shaking his head.

" damsel in distress rejected you?" Yoongi mocks.

Jungkook's death glare causing him to gulp.

There's a sudden loud murmur going on , the snake gang coming into the bar , Ryan as their leader , the boys hyping him up but jungkook frowns , needing peace of mind.

" HEARD YOU DIDN'T GO EASY ON THE BOY" a guy yells as Ryan settles.

" OF COURSE , ORDERED BY OUR KING HIMSELF! " Ryan says , the last Part with spite.

" What? Still bitter about not killing the human? Would have been quiet a feast " Ryan's friend says , chugging down his bear , the others laughing.

" WELL IF THE KING HADN'T GONE SOFT AND SPARED HIS LIFE! PERHAPS WE WOULD BE HAVING A FEAST! the human is very much delicious in figure too " Ryan says eyes on jungkook's back.

The other guys hyping him and his words , dirty laughter's that irritates jungkook.

He slams his hand on the desk , shutting the whole bar up , getting up with rage.

Yoongi smirks , sipping on his beer.

" REPEAT WHAT YOU SAID RYAN! " jungkook jolts , his authoritative tone booming across bar causing heads to fall ,moving closer to Ryan.

" I said you shouldn't have gone easy on him " Ryan spits , facing jungkook head to head.

" no , the last part " jungkook whispers.

" oh , about the boys body? I guess the king agrees with me aye " he smiles , spreading his arms wide.

It all happens so fast , Ryan is choking on his blood , jungkook's hand deep in his chest.

Ryan can feel the grip jungkook has on his beating heart , the whole bar filled in shock.

" don't rip it out jungkook , relax , Ryan says stupid things sometimes " hoseok says.

" think it through jungkook , he's our only executioner " yoongi says , understanding how furious jungkook is.

Jungkook cracks the bone in his neck a little , eyes rolled to the back as his fangs draw back in , then slowly he pulls his hands out.

Ryan dropping to the floor , clutching his chest as he saw death flash before his eyes.

Jungkook raises his blood stains hands.

" if anyone so ever speaks about , breathe next to , harm , or even set eyes on my human? trust that you will have your heart ripped out , head decapitated! " He states.

He and the other elders leaving the bar , heading back into the palace.

" bro Ryan you okay?..." One of Ryan's friend rushes to him.

" he'll never be a match to the king , his ego will have him killed " others murmur.


Heading to his chambers , he's shocked to see taehyung laying in his bed , he had his maids arrange a new chamber for taehyung but here he is.

Taehyung sits up on the bed , eyes holding deep sorrow.

" is anything the matter? " jungkook asks , maintaining a distance , taehyung nods " I'm so sorry about how I treated you , I'm sorry " taehyung apologizes.

" hey , no need to apologize , i came unto you first " jungkook says , now close to taehyung.

" you're going to sleep now? " jungkook asks.

" lay with me " taehyung says out of nowhere.

" tell me stories too , my mum used to tell me a lot before she passed " taehyung says cutely with a pout.

" yeah sure " jungkook says , getting under the covers with tae.


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