😰🥺Teachers Pet - Karlnap

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Characters : Karl, Sapnap and Teacher

CW : Slight angst, manipulation and nsfw

College AU

Karl's POV :
It's been three months and my best friend has been acting off in Mr. Jefferson's class. It's kind of stupid. I feel like something is going on, but I don't know what. I could maybe ask him, but last time I done that he changed the subject. I'm worried for him. Mainly because I do kind of have a crush on him, but that's. Beside the point. I will talk to him later on, but I guess I just have to focus on my work.

No one's POV :
It was the end of Biology and everyone started to walk out. Sapnap was finishing packing up his laptop and pens.

"Oh! Mr. Halo! I word please." Mr. Jefferson shouted so that Sapnap could hear. Karl was suspicious, but he walked out.

Going to his next class so then he could go home. Sapnap walked to the teachers desk with the biggest smile on his face.

"Yes sir?" He beamed.

He and Mr. Jefferson had been together for 3 months. Sapnap had been happy about it because he had liked his teacher for the first semester and they were only three years apart. Sapnap was the legal age aswell, so it didn't really matter.

"I've seen that you have been flunking in my class again. Would you like some extra credit now, bunny?" The teacher smirked as he tapped his fingers on the desk, getting up.

"Oh I'm really sorry sir. Yes I'll do extra credit now." Sapnap replied, he knew that it was usually just some test with easy questions on, but didn't know what it was this time.

"Okay, sit down on my desk then. I want you to be as comfortable as possible." He said smiling at Sapnap. "Do I have consent?"

The teacher walked to where Sapnap sat down and put two hands on his waist. The younger boy nodded in anticipation as the older kissed him on the lips. This went on for five minutes, the older kept control of the kiss for the most part, until they both broke away from eachother.

"I have one question sir." Sapnap said before wiping his lips.

"Yes baby?" The blonde said.

"If I'm so special to you, why am I a secret.?"
The younger questioned that left the older stunned.

"Well.. someone might take you away from me and we don't want that, do we bunny?" He said, combing the back of Sapnap's hair as he placed a kiss on his forehead.

"Oh no sir." Sapnap then got up. "I'll see you."

"I will see you tomorrow bunny." Mr. Jefferson said flirtatiously. "And don't forget to hide that hickey.."

Sapnap's POV

I walk out of the classroom and sigh. Does this even feel right? Well, it did for the first two months, but it's changed.. I get broken out of my thought by being slammed into the wall.

"What the fuck was that Sapnap?!" A familiar voice boomed at me. I looked up to see it was Karl. He looked angry.. but some what.. also disappointed.

"It's extra credit Karl it's fine.." My voice was just above a whisper.

"Letting a fucking teacher use you so then you get a good fucking grade!" Karl shouted again.

"Oh I'm sorry that I'm not as smart as you are!"
I snapped back. Tears forming in my eyes. "It's the only way I can!"

"You can always just ask for help! Ask me I will always help you!" Karl then let go of me. Calming down slightly. "Why don't you try to feel real feeling instead of selling your body to a teacher."

He then walked away without saying anymore. I felt bad. Extremely bad. I went to shout back for him, but words didn't form in my mouth. It was all silent. My head rang. I start to walk to the nearest exit to go home.


Maybe Karl was right. I don't even know if he likes me. I don't think that this relationship ship is healthy anyway.. could he be lying..? I don't know.. I ring up karl, but he doesn't answer. I sigh and put down my phone before I hear a notification go off. It was Karl..

(💜=Karl 🧡=Sapnap)

What is it?

Karl I just want to talk. Look,
I'm sorry that I didn't tel you
but I wanted to keep it a
secret since I didn't know how
you would react, but you were
right. I'm so so sorry

I sigh, praying Karl would text me back but he didn't. I go sleep for the night, worrying if my best friend would text me back

Next day
It was after school and I was just about to walk home until I saw Karl running up to me. I was nervous and didn't know what he would say before suddenly he kissed me. He didn't let go. I enjoyed it so I kissed him back. His hands on my cheeks and my hands on his shoulder. He broke the kiss

"I love you, you idiot.." he said as I just took in what was happening with him and me.

"I... I love you too.." I said as I smiled softly at him.

"Now break up with that son of a bitch teacher. I promise I'll do anything in my way to be a good boyfriend.." was his final words.

And I did. Me and Karl now live together in the college dorms. We talk, and sleep, and talk more. Just me and him..<3


911 words. Hope you enjoyed! Any recommendations and I will gladly take them!!

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