😰 Now you suck. - Georgenap

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Characters: Dream, George, Sapnap, Karl, Quackity

Cw: mention of sex, mention of sh

College AU. Sapnap(19) Dream(22) Quackity(22) Karl(23) George(25)

No pov:

Sapnap and George have been quite happy for some time. Sapnap helped George through his breakup with Dream and afterwards, the two of them got with each other. It was nice, well.. at first it was nice. But that was until George started to make dumb excuses to not go see Sapnap. They lived in a dorm together, so it wasn't rocket science to know that George was up to something. But what could Sapnap do?

It was a drizzly April and Sapnap had just came back in. He opened the door to hear loud moans and slaps coming from George's room. He dared to walk in there. The younger knew what was happening there and didn't want to go face it. Tears rolling down his face, he quietly walked over to his separate room and closed the door. He went into his bed and began to softly cry into his sheets. The temptation of harming was high.

After half an hour of the noises coming from George's room, he heard footsteps. He also heard muffled voices.

"That was fun.. we should do that again..~"

"Haha oh Dream.. of course we will..~"

They exchange kisses. Sapnap hates it so much, how he wanted to confront them. Yet he couldn't. He couldn't face himself to. He waited for Dream to go. George had got into the shower, so Sapnap got up opened his door and went to the front door opened it and closed it.

"I'm home!" He lied, trying to sound as cheerful as possible. He didn't get a response

Still no response. He started to feel a little sad. He went over to the couch and sat down on one end. He let out a soft whimper.

Sapnap pov:

I was sat here for atleast 5 minutes before I felt the warm embrace of George. It felt nice, yet, it felt so wrong.

"Hey handsome." George said.

"Hey dear." I replied back before he sat down next to me.

"Alright.. so I was thinking.. sex. Like, when we have sex. Do you get me?" He exclaimed.

I was kind of taken aback by this. It made we want to tear up, but I didn't.

"But we're not aloud to George.. shouldn't we wait until im 21 to have this conversation? And I don't really now if I even want to have sex!"

"Well... you may not like it, but you'll have to learn how because soon you'll be doing it."

"But, George.. I don't have to.."

"I mean.. yeah you do, Sap."

I was starting to get a bit pissed off. I didn't want to have sex. I hate talking about the topic. That's why I skip all the  "learn for life" shit.

"Is this because you and Dream had sex a lot?" I ask and he looked shocked. "I mean.. he never took you out to any dances. But did he make you cry?"

"Sap but it's not about Dream. Come on now.. plus it was different.. I loved him.."

I sigh. I don't want to be talking about sex. It makes me feel so fucking weak and useless.

"You know what? Can we just drop this?" I ask and he nods.

"What do you want for dinner?"

"Uhmmm.." I'm not really in the mood for dinner now. "Anything."

"Alright I'll make us some roast chicken..."

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