😰Another love.<3 -Dreamnotnap

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Characters : Sapnap, Dream, George

Tw : Eating disorder, panic attack.

No one's POV:

Sapnap and Dream had been best friends for years. Since Sapnap was 16, he moved in with him. He couldn't lie that he had a small crush on Dream, but knew that Dream didn't like him back. But he had gotten use to that feeling now. Dream and George were together. They lived in the same house as Sapnap and was always lovey dovey with each other. Sapnap envied their love for each other but couldn't say anything about it. When George came to the house, he fell in love with him also. He was a sick love puppy for two men who were already dating..

Right now, Sapnap was at the table while Dream and George was eating. He didn't want anything. He felt too sick to, but he had anorexia.

Sapnap's pov:
I was sat down at the table staring down at my food with disgust. I hated it. Last time I tried to slip it to Patches, Dream's cat, but George noticed and has been keeping an eye on me ever since. Dream was in the kitchen, cleaning his and George's dishes and George was with me, making sure I ate some.

"Come on now.. can you just atleast have a bit.?" George asked as I shook my head. It was making me feel sick just looking at it.

I hadn't told the two that I had anorexia, and I wasn't planning two. Why would they want to know about my problem? They care for each other and that's all that matters to them... atleast I think. George sighed and went to go join Dream in the kitchen. I took this chance to slip into the bathroom. I closed the door and kneeled down. I force two fingers down my throat. I done this so often that I didn't gag. I roughly repeated it until I forced my body to bring its own stomach acid up. I sighed when I did before standing up, wobbling slightly. I flush the toilet and wipe my face. I turn around and open it up to see George and Dream standing there in horror. Oh shit. Shit. Shit. Shit! SHIT. SHIT! They will find out. I start to hyperventilate. My hands shake. My ears ring. My throat tightens. Dream asks me if I'm okay but I couldn't answer. I slam and lock the door before crying out. I went into a panic mode. Muffled voices were outside my door, questioning to come in or not since Dream had keys to every room in the house. I calm down after 15 minutes to here Dreams soothing voice.

"Hey. If you want to talk, we'll be waiting on the couch.. I promise we're here for you.." he says. I listen and nod although he can't see it.

After a few minutes I get up. I'm ready to explain everything. I dry my eyes and open the door, unlocking it first, sloppily walking over and slouching myself into the couch on the opposite side of Dream and George. I explain my anorexia. I tell them how I felt about being around food and how I should have medicine but have been too fucking scared to get some. They listen. I feel calmer. I wish I could call them mine. Love them as much as I could. one day I wish I would hear them say "I love you." . But he knew they wouldn't. They love each other. I went to say it. But paused. I was a fool. Dream realises.

"What did you say sap.?" He asked

For fucks sake.

"Nothing.." I muttered but he detected my lie.

"Please Sap.. just tell us.." he encouraged. I hated how caring he was.

I look down at the floor and give in to my temptations

"I.. I love you guys.. but not just in a friend way.. I love you.." I admitted. I didn't want to look at them.

I felt like a fool until I feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist with a small "oh sap.."

I feel like I was going to cry. I let Dream hug me as I then felt another pair of hand go around my chest. George.. that's when I burst into tears. I felt so stupid and dumb. I cried into their arms. After 5 minutes I felt myself stop crying. I look up at the two and here the reply. "We love you back Sapnap.." I was over the moon.


I am now dating them two and they were the best things that happened to me. I love you Dream and George.<3


762 words. Hope you enjoyed that! Leave any recommendations down! I would love to hear them!!

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