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Sir it time for our meeting
Allready it's 2:00 mr.kang said let go taehyung said

After some minute mr.kang has opened the car door taehyung sit in the car driver start the car diviring taehyung is calling someone say got to know something teahyung said yes sir we saw Miss y/n near the y/n company

What taehyung say maybe Miss y/n can be an employee of his company that man said
Ok if you find anything call me taehyung said

Call disconnect

Time skip
Y/n is sitting in the meeting room and working on the tab Kai come meeting room say mam mr.v is coming hmm y/n replying him

Taehyung come looks for her all over the office but she is nowhere to be seen taehyung was going towards the meeting room

Mr.kang opens door taehyung come inside the meeting room see the relcognizes y/n as soon as he see her

( Taehyung could not believe that their meeting would be like this taehyung was just looking at y/n taehyung on one side there is happiness or on the other side there is sadness was happy that she was found or sad thing is that he cannot hug her )

Taehyung was just staring at her y/n Did not know that they came inside the meeting room y/n attention was completely on the tab mam mr.v has come Kai said

Y/n keeps the tab on the table y/n gets up from her place saw taehyung she gets shocked y/n could not believe her eyes she is blinking her eyes two or three time this is taehyung y/n was just looking at taehyung y/n mam this is mr.v Kai said

Hello taehyung said but y/n doesn't listen to anything just keeps looking at him mam mam lai say but you not listen him Kai shake you y/n see Kai then hello mrs.kim nice to meet you mrs.kim y/n say very deep voice

But here junwoo was confused why mr Kim called y/n mrs.kim why

Taehyung was giving off a total mafia vibe a black color dress it seemed that he's was a mafia y/n looks at taehyung and say maybe mr.kim you didn't ready my name property she say full attitude it's miss.choi mr.kim taehyung y/n said

Ohh I see miss.y/n taehyung said
This is our dealer mam mr.kim Kai said sorry but mr.kim I am not interested in this deal
I don't want to do this deal I cancel this deal y/n said

Are you sure taehyung said y/n looks at taehyung say yes y/n said

Just think once taehyung said
Y/n cancel the deal without thinking anything junwoo gets shocked after hearing this he looks at y/n excuse me sir I want to talk to y/n a little bit junwoo said

Junwoo holds y/n hand and takes her out of the meeting room junwoo where are you taking me y/n said and both of the go out of the room

Taehyung see
( Taehyung how dare he touch her taehyung is jealous )

  Outside the meeting room
What happened junwoo why did you bring me outside the meeting room y/n said

Y/n have you gone mad junwoo said what are you saying y/n said have you gone how can you cancel this deal jun-woo said what do you mean y/n said

You know that cancelling this meeting can cause huge losses to our company junwoo said so we will pay right y/n said

You know how much Big the amount is our whole half company can come on the road We can also come on the road what about us we will go anywhere but where will these workers go have ever thought about them do you know how much work these workers do in our company how much effort they give you want these workers to also come on the road with us do you know how many workers work under us just look at these workers junwoo said

Y/n looks at all the workers y/n do you know how long this working work something it is even night but still they do this work do you still want us to cancel the deal jun-woo said

Y/n goes to the meeting room without saying anything junwoo also follows her into the meeting room y/n  comes and stands near the door say I have to face him y/n takes a deep breath opens the door taehyung stands up as soon he seen y/n

Please mr.kim sit y/n
Y/n and taehyung sit on the sofa that then junwoo comes and sit near y/n then junwoo would have said something y/n say sorry mr.kim you had to wait because of me I am sorry so mr.kim congratulations we do this deal is final or forget whatever I just said

I say sorry for that y/n  it's ok miss y/n congratulations teahyung extends his hand for a shake hands y/n looks at tae y/n slowly extends her hand and does shakehand congratulations y/n said taehyung was understood why is she talking to me loving there is something

Mr.kang couldn't believe his eyes taehyung agreed to this dael now this has never happened till date whoever has refused to deal with taehyung has destroyed them all here either the deal was going to be cancelled or the deal was done

Then taehyung a message from someone taehyung see message say so miss y/n we must go how we'll meet again taehyung said ok mr.kim y/n said he left y/n comes to her cabin and takes rest sitting on the chair then Kai comes in say it's good mam you made that deal Kai said

Why because taehyung is mafia Kai said what y/n gets shocked once again but why did he became a mafia y/n said I don't know mam or korea's no 1 mafia very dangerous and powerful mam you should go home you look very tired junwoo and I will take care of the work here Kai said

Ok y/n say then junwoo comes her cabin ok mam I wait for you below Kai say he left the cabin

Hope you all like it
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