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Next day 10:00 am

Y/n puts her hand on her head and says oh god my head see taehyung said take this drink this soup you will feel better taehyung said y/n takes soup and says

Who changed my clothes y/n said maids changed taehyung said what did you think taehyung said nothing y/n said by the why you are so hot  taehyung said

What tell me honestly who changed my clothes y/n said y/n was looking at taehyung with complete angry don't be angry I really didn't change you clothes the maid changed you clothes come on drink all that soup quickly otherwise it will cool down taehyung said

Y/n drinks that soup say I can't remember what I did yesterday did I drink too much yesterday y/n said you gotta see it for yourself taehyung said taehyung on tv taehyung got all the footage yesterday itself y/n has seen all the footage

y/n felt  embarrassed or hides her face from hand say sorry then wait your hand wait I will change these bandages how taehyung said taehyung brings the first kit box and sits in front of y/n and start bandages say

Don't say sorry you know how scared I was when I found out that you were not home strange thoughts started coming to my mind if you had to go would have informed me or mr.mark then you left without telling anyone

Y/n was just sitting quietly listening to taehyung and looking at him

Don't do this in future if you want to go anywhere from now on then just tell me otherwise take a bodyguard with you
Ok or don't do like this from now oh okay here's you bandages done taehyung

Taehyung see y/n
Y/n kiss taehyung on his lips and goes to bathroom taehyung is totally shocked and touches his lips or feels shy taehyung was rolling here and there on the bed out of shy

It's been a week since this happened y/n also started loving taehyung one day it was very late at night y/n was waiting for taehyung so that taehyung comes and they both eat food together it was very late at night

So y/n had sent all the maid home y/n was just sitting on the dinning table it's so late in the night taehyung hasn't come yet y/n said let me do one thing call and check

Y/n takes the phone and calls taehyung then taehyung  come y/n see taehyung

Taehyung also see y/n he goes straight to y/n and kisses her y/n is complete shocked and drops the phone after some time y/n also back kisses him

After 1 hour
Taehyung stops and he looks towards y/n say sorry I couldn't control take take this water and drink it taehyung give water glass or goes to his room y/n is about to drink water then

Mr.mark come 
Mr.mark what happened everything is okay y/n said yes mam everything fine where are you sir mr.mark said he has just gone to his room y/n said here is sir phone and bag which he had forgotten in the car mr.mark said

Y/n takes the bag and mobile says mr.mark everything is fine because taehyung never forget their own things that too in his manner y/n said no mam sir is not well because today is the first time sir I have lost a deal mr.mark said

Lost a deal y/n said yes ma'am that too for the first time today mr.mark said don't worry I am here you go home now it is too late y/n said ok mam said leaves from there y/n goes her room and say here's you phone and bag you forget to do it y/n said

Who come to give taehyung said mr mark come I come to know that you lost a deal today y/n said who told you taehyung said mr.mark y/n said yes taehyung said

Are you hungry should I bring food y/n said no I am full taehyung sucha small ups and downs keeps coming in business don't worry everything will be fine today you are a lost deal who knows if you get a bigger deal tomorrow

Go to sleep don't thing too much now oky good night y/n said

this was going on like this for two three days taehyung used to come and kiss y/n the same thing was going on for two three days y/n was sitting at the dining table waiting for the taehyung or was looking at the phone then

Taehyung comes and keeps the mobile and bag on the sofa and goes straight towards y/n

Y/n didn't even know that the taehyung had come taehyung goes to y/n and kisses her directly 1 hour later sorry I forgot again taehyung  is about to leave when

she pulls his tie says don't say sorry say love you I love you taehyung  gets completely shocked taehyung is about to say something and then should we continue as you wish baby

( Taehyung mind at last y/n agreed I love you y/n )

Both of them were going above the stairs while kissing both of them go to their room taehyung picks up y/n and makes her lie on the bed taehyung say

Are you sure yes y/n said taehyung slowly remove y/n clothes y/n face had turned red Tomato red should taehyung and y/n kiss each other slowly after 1 hour ahhh taehyung slowly taehyung stops and lies down next to y/,n he looks at y/n and says let have on more round no no no taehyung

Sorry guys I am uploading this story late because I had a trip on the 2nd Feb because of this have not  been able to write the story

I came back from a trip on the 9th Feb and during that time I was not feeling well so due to this i was not able to write and I also had a lot of college work so in between the gethering also started I am a little busy right now this gathering is going on so my gathering will be over anyway I will start uploading the story

I hope that end this story as soon as possible

I hope you all like it vote and comment follow me 💜💜

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