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Next day

Preparation for the wedding were almost done everyone was busy in there own work there was on talk of y/n marriage the same was being told on all tv channel also

Taehyung had also come out of Busan did he hear the call no sir the call is not going through mr.mark said my phone also got switched off taehyung said

( Taehyung mind I will go and apologize to her today if I couldn't apologize to her that day I will do so today )

Other side

All preparations were done guests started arriving one by one you are not ready yet quickly let me pick out clothes for you mrs.choi said yes I will come ready now mr.choi said yes then I will check on y/n to see if she is ready or not mrs.choi

Y/n are you ready or not mrs.choi  said yes mom I am ready y/n said wow how beautiful you look what is this that you did not wear the dress that dad gave you mrs.choi said

Actually mom that dress was too loose for me so I have sent it to Kai hand but till now Kai has not arrived then i had a similar dress so I wear it for this y/n said

Nothing happened wear it after coming mrs.choi said mam has come for the photoshoot ok now you take out the photo till then I will look at the junwoo and come back mrs.choi said

Junwoo was looking in the mirror to see how he looked then when are you thinking junwoo has looked at the mirror why are you sad you should be happy that she is going to be your you have waited for her for 2 years now be happy think about yourself sometimes

Junwoo junwoo mrs.choi said what happened to it mrs.choi goes to Junwoo shakes him junwoo was looking here and there where were you lost I have been calling you for so long but you are not listening to anything mrs.choi said sorry aunty Junwoo said

It's ok are you ready mrs.choi said yes aunty am ready junwoo said ok then after come time mrs.choi said ok aunty Junwoo said

Taehyung gets a call

Taehyung said hello

Sir that ma'am

What happened to her is she

Yes sir but

can you even say something further now

Sir she is going to get married and that too Junwoo

What taehyung get shock
Say what no

I have send you an
Invitation cards

I have lost it once
Before also I don't want to lose
Anymore again

Call disconnect

Taehyung has seen the invitation card y/n weeding junwoo say stop the car taehyung said but sir I said stop the car taehyung car the driver stop the car taehyung gets out of the car and says get out of the car the driver gets down from the car and

Taehyung sits on the driver seat taehyung said sit behind you but sir I said sit we don't have time the driver and mr.mark sit in the back taehyung driver the car very fast

Weeding hall

Junwoo are you ready mrs.lee said yes mom junwoo said so let's go mrs.lee said yes mom if dad was here today how happy would he be junwoo said yes son I am missing him a lot then junwoo gets a call look it's dad call that has come on made a video call

On the call

Hello dad

Hello son all preparations willl be done

Yes dad all the presentation are done but we are missing you a lot

Yes son iam also missing you a lot gave the phone call mom

Mom take phone dad call junwoo said
Wait I be right back mrs.lee said
Ok mom junwoo said
After some minute mrs.lee come say your dad said to keep sending photos mrs.lee said come on now we're getting late mom junwoo said

Ok the ring and pendant you said l've put that in there so let's go mrs Lee said

Y/n looks at herself in the mirror one last time then Prince are you ready Mr Choi said yes dad y/n said so let's go junwoo is waiting for you mr.choi said

Y/n and mr.choi goes to the hall y/n looks at junwoo and smile y/ n let go mr.choi said y/n nodes y/n and mr.choi go towards junwoo

Junwoo come and gives hand to y/n mr.choi  gives y/n hand to junwoo say take care of my daughter mr.choi said yes dad junwoo said go now mr.choi said  junwoo and y /n go on stage are you  both ready the father said junwoo and y/n  yes they both said

So mr.junwoo you consider miss y/n as your official wife yes I do Junwoo said

So miss y/n you are consider mr.junwoo as your official hasband  yes I do y/n said

Both of you put ring on each other wear rings junwoo and y/n pick up the ring y/n is going to wear the ring

Then a gunshot is heard y/n gets scared and leaves the ring everyone gets scared y/n looks at taehyung and says taehyung

Taehyung goes to y/n holds y/n hand taehyung brings y/n down from the stage junwoo also down the stage taehyung what are you doing and leave my hand y/n said taehyung doesn't listen to y/n and says one more thing if anyone moves from here and comes after us then he will die taehyung said

Taehyung leave my hand taehyung doesn't not listen to y/n takes her away forcefully taehyung takes y/n outside the hall and make y/n sit in the car junwoo go now mr.choi said yes junwoo said junwoo also come out following him as soon as junwoo comes taehyung sits in the car and leave

At car
Taehyung leave my hand y/n tries to free her hand from taehyung hands but he was holding y/n hand so tightly

After a while

Taehyung and y/n reach home taehyung takes y/n straight to his room ahhh leave my hand y/n said taehyung leaves y n hand says

How can you do this how can you marry someone don't forget we have not been divorced yet taehyung said don't forget mr.taehyung you also brought your girlfriend to our house without any divorced right y/n

Taehyung gets so  angry at that thing he turns back and raises his hand to y/n

Y/n close her eyes in fear after some time y/n open her eyes see but no one here y/n looks here and there

Y/n goes here the door opens but the door does not open what taehyung lock the door y/n knocking loudly on the door and say taehyung open the door

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