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Sorry for late uploading story because my exam

Time skip

Y/n is sitting in her room and watching business card dials the number from the card and makes a call

After some ring who picks it up

On call

Y/n hello
I am the owner of dk
Company I want to
Talk to namjoon and tell
Him my name y/n said

1 minute mam
Sir the owner of dk company
Wants to talk to you
She has name as y/n
What y/n namjoon gets shock where is the phone
Namjoon said

Sir take this

Hello y/n are you okay and where are you

I am fine I want to meet

Ok then let's have lunch together

Ok you send me the address

Call disconnect

Junwoo also gets a call from someone after some minute call disconnect

Time skip

At 2:00 pm
Y/n gets ready and comes out of her room then she hears the door opening and she looks towards junwoo room

Junwoo gets ready and comes out of the room see y/n
Y/n also looks at him

( Junwoo mind where is y/n going after getting ready at this time )

( Y/n mind where is junwoo going after getting ready at this time )

Junwoo say where are you going junwoo said jast going somewhere to meet a friend (y/n lied )

Where are you going at this time y/n said I have some work somewhere ( junwoo also lied to y/n ) junwoo said oh let's go y/n said yes junwoo y/n and junwoo come outside the house

At that time
Mrs.choi swe say were are these two going now that too being ready there is something

Y/n and junwoo were going in the car y/n was looking out the window then say junwoo what is the work right now we are off today right y/n said yes but I have little work junwoo said

Ok then you tell me where you want to go and I will drop you there y/n said junwoo pause for 1 minute say there is a ck cafe here you leave me there I have the same work junwoo said

Ok then y/n said
After some 15 minute
Junwoo gets down from the car say by y/n see you at home junwoo said ok by junwoo y/n said driver let's go to the restaurant y/n said ok mam driver said

( Junwoo say thank god I did not tell y/n that's I had to go to the restaurant otherwise y/n would have been suspicious )

Junwoo books the cab

Namjoon and junwoo already reach the restaurant y/n also reached the restaurant then taehyung also reached the restaurant

all four of them were in the same restaurant but no one knew that all four of them were in the same restaurant

Taehyung and y/n go to the restaurant together but they don't see each other because y/n goes first taehyung later namjoon had booked a private room for her and y/n

Taehyung had booked private room for her and junwoo

Sorry for late uploading story
Bacause I had exam
So l continue the story from here

What happened next tell me in comment and vote hope you all like it

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