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Spray taehyung face
Taehyung doesn't understand anything are faints taehyung lands straight on y/n limb

Y/n catches him say what was it supposed to do
Oh god how heavy it it first of all I must put him to bed otherwise he will kill me

How can y/n make him lie down on the bed oh god y/n breathes heavily how heavy is it what should I do now take it outside or not

If I take it outside will mom dad see it there will be choas at home. No no no I can't take ricks that big what should I do call someone he must have a phone right y/n would go to him and have to find the phone then it there a phone inside the coat or does she take the phone and see

Lock with is his passport now I do now let me do one thing leave it here tonight . Whatever happens tomorrow remains to be see y/n said

Y/n make taehyung sleep on the bed y/n takes off his shoes and keeps them or covered his with a blanket y/n see say what is this y/n take see gun y/n gest scared say gun but why does he keep this gun with him y/n said

Takes that gun and keeps it in  the  drawer y/n goes towards the sofa to sleep lies down on the sofa she looks at taehyung and says how
Much has it changed y/n falls asleep looking at taehyung

Next day morning

Y/n wakes up due to the sound of alarm y/n turns of the alarm and she goes back to sleep then she remembers about taehyung

Quickly opens her eyes see how did I do this I was sleeping on the sofa right and what is this on my forehead y/n takes out the note say sticky note oh yes there is something written in it also y/n read note

(   Good morning mrs.kim y/n thankyou for welcome me like this I will never forget it have a nice day mrs.kim y/n )

Y/n quickly gets up and goes  to the drawer or opens drawer seen that the gun is not there he took the gun  y/n said

Y/n keeps that note in the drawer looks at the time 6:00pm
Y/n quickly goes to the bathroom

After shower
Y/n comes out of the bathroom and gets ready and come down and writes two notes one for second one for mom dad

First note
Good morning mom dad I am going to office early today so don't worry about me ok

Second note
Good morning junwoo I am going to office early today so don't worry about me ok

Y/n takes two notes and puts them on their door sticky note or come out of the house  say

What should l do call the driver or should I drive myself no no will I go by cab y/n said
Y/n takes out her phone and books a cab some miuntes cab comes y/n sit in the cab say y/n company is on

Time skip
Y/n reached office see the office is already open mam are you here mr.wonseok said
You so early y/n said This is my daily work mam mr.wonseok

Ok then l go to my cabin y/n said goes to her cabin

On the other side
Oh oh god my head mr.kang  you call the doctor taehyung  said  ok sir mr.kang said

After some time
Doctor comes and checks taehyung say nothing happens you just had a normal spray often girls keep that spray with them for their protection . still I will prescribe you some medicine you will eat on time ok now I should go you take care of yourself doctor said

Come doctor I  leave you outside mr.kang said they both left taehyung gets smirk say this nothing a lot is yet to happen mrs.kim taehyung said then taehyung phone start ring taehyung take phone see id caller pick up taehyung

On call

Hello jimin

I have to get all the information tell me when to meet

Let's meet today

Ok then I will come to your office

Ok taehyung said

Call disconnect

At time 10:00
Junwoo come her cabin see y/n is sleeping on the desk even y/n didn't know how long she fell asleep while working

Junwoo comes y/n say how cute y/n y/n  junwoo said
Y/n heard sound opens her eyes see say  junwoo y/n said  have you finished your sleep junwoo said yes almost the work is done just chek that file I have kept that file on your desk y/n said ok then I will check junwoo said he left

Time skip
At 10:35
Y/n looks at the time she takes her purse and mobile towards junwoo cabin she enters the say junwoo I am going out for some work you take care of the work here ok y/n said ok but where are you going junwoo said

Nowhere I just have some work ok by y/n said ok by junwoo said

( Junwoo mind what has happened to y/n ever since she come from korea she has been behaving strangely at first she wanted to cancel the deal the later she agreed there is something that I don't know I must have found out)

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