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It was 10:00
Finally the work is finished have  seen y/n time said on my god you were late today junwoo is also about to leave when he sees the light on y/n cabin

It hasn't gone yet junwoo comes inside the cabin you haven't gone yet junwoo said no I had to check some files so I did not go you here y/n said

Yes I was your cabin light on I just come here junwoo said on so let's go home y/n said yes junwoo taehyung was sitting in y/n room and waiting for her

she never come so late what should I do call her or message her or go outside the room and look or wait taehyung goes and stand there holding the door handle

Y/n had also reached her home she was just going towards her room she come near her room and just touches the door handle to open it but the door doesn't open

Y/n gets confused and says I did not lock the door then why is it not opening taehyung also gets confused says why is this door not open

Y/n and taehyung try once again but the door does not open y/n try once again the door open but the does not open y/n saya the door is open but why is it not opening

Y/n pushed the door suddenly opens the door and taehyung leaves the handle from there as soon as the door opens they both fall straight on the bed y/n falls on taehyung says what are you doing here y/n said

If you get up first then I will tell taehyung said ok ok y/n tries to get up and again she falls wait  wait taehyung said when he tries to get up he falls on y/n

He was just looking at y/n gets confused
( Y/n mind why is he looking at me like this )

Y/n saya taehyung taehyung two or three times he doesn't listen y/n gently pinches taehyung hands taehyung come out of his world and says how hard did you pinch me taehyung said

Move now y/n said taehyung sits on the side y/n gest up and goes to the washroom to freshen up

After some minute

Y/n come out of the washroom and  see taehyung sitting on the sofa then y/n eyes went to his head on my god you have been hit you are  bleeding y/n said

Where is blood taehyung said you don't  know you felt it y/n said no taehyung touches his head he looks at his fingers and says blood

Wait let me bring the first aid box she takes out the first aid box from the  drawer  she goes and sits near taehyung and  applies it taehyung was looking at her only

Taehyung kiss her without thinking y/n stand up confused she hits taehyung and says what did you do just now y/n said what did I do taehyung said you just did that y/n said

What I am taehyung said nothing sleep good night y/n said goes and sleep on the bed y/n touches her  let us forgot that nothing happened did you says anything just now by the way your lips are soft taehyung said shut up and go to sleep

Hope you all like it vote and comment 💜💜

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