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Next day morning

Y/n  no one know when she fell asleep y/n wakes up and slowly opens her eyes saw that there were many maids near her bed says what is all this

All the maid say good morning ma'am then mr.mark come says mam you are wake up good morning mr.mark said good morning but what is all this y/n said 

all this is for you mam what would you like to drink in the morning tae coffee juice and  what would you like to eat for breakfast and which of these dresses would you like to wear mr.mark said

You can make something for breakfast and put one of these dresses on my dressing table and make juice y/n said you all go mr.mark said all the maids leave from there mam get ready and come down to have breakfast mr.mark said ok y/n said

After 30 minutes

Y/n looks in mirror and says I don't know why I am feeling weak.   

On call

Did she have breakfast taehyung said

No sir she must be coming ready mr.mark said

Pay attention to her taehyung said

Ok sir mr.mark said

Call disconnect

Y/n comes Out of the room look here and there this is taehyung room where is my room y/n comes a little further and then she see a door y/n goes towards that door says this is my room y/n opens the door and goes inside says nothing has changed as it remains the same

A mais comes and says mam you are here this room is still clean y/n said yes mam sir has said that this room will be cleaned everyday mam you go go down everyone is waiting for you ok y/n said

Y/n was thinking something while coming down from the stair why would taehyung have said this  forget about these things what does it matter to me if you have said anything let's go

I am very hungry she says like this coming down the stairs she starts going towards the kitchen then again y/n eyes go towards a room what is that shining so brightly

Y/n looks here and there and goes towards that room opens the door seen wine that too one better then the other just then a maid seen y/n and says mam you are here that so many bottles of wine y/n said this all belongs to sir

Sir l mean mr.taehyung drink daily no mam drink sometime oh ok y/n said then y/n hears some sound what kind of sound is this y/n said maybe mr.mark might have come

y/n comes out of the room  she look here and there then she sees some people who were bringing a big box inside the room y/n goes to towards the room see there were many boxes there

y/n goes inside the room says what is all this then y/n gets totally shocked she looks around the entire room says so many guns mr.mark  hears the voice and comes to the room says mam you are here mr.mark said

So many guns whose gun is this y/n said this is all sir gun mr.mark said y/n says while touching the gun by the way taehyung I mean where has mr.taehyung gone y/n said sir has gone out for 2/3 days mr.mark said

( Y/n mind this is the right opportunity to get out of there  )
Y/n looks here and there and picks up gun she points the gun towards mr.mark  all the guards point towards y/n no boy's gun down mr.mark said

Says mr.mark let me go from here y/n said takes a step back than y/n touche her head and falls unconscious mr.mark goes to y/n and says mam mam it seems the she fainted guard call quickly ambulance

Happy New year 💜💜
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