Chapter 24

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The trio collapsed on the couch with a deep sigh. All were tired as heck, but Y/n couldn't help but feel really insecure.

Y/n: "I--"

Taehyung: "Shh. Let's shower first, I really need sleep and rest."
V nodded before he continued to pick Y/n bridal style.

Y/n: "What?!"
She startled, but the duo were silent as if they never heard anything.

They brought her upstairs. Y/n didn't stop, she kept on asking why she was being carried away.

Y/n: "Yah! Tell m--"

V: "For a warm bath, cherry."

Y/n: "W-What? Why me? I'll take it later!"
She squeaked. V frowned and so did Taehyung, but an evil smirk hovered on their lips, as they looked at Y/n with a smug look.

Y/n: "Y-yeah?"

Taehyung: "I was actually preparing the hot bath only for you"

V: "But if you think this way, then we have no problem, right?"
He quirked his eyebrow at Taehyung. Taehyung smirked back.

Taehyung: "I have enough energy though"

Y/n: "F-for what?! Ugh! Put me down, V!"
She yelled, thrashing around. V carried inside the restroom while Taehyung closed the door. (🌚)


"Love, eat it all"
Y/n glared at Taehyung. She felt a tug on her waist since she was sitting on V's lap.

V: "Eat it up."
Y/n scoffed.

Y/n: "You've no right to order me around! I was so tired already and you just"
She sighed heavily, her cheeks turning pink.

Taehyung pinched her cheeks softly.

V: "Then why were you being like more please--"

"Yah! Shut up!"
Y/n pinched his thigh painfully. V whimpered. Taehyung chuckled softly.

Taehyung: "Let me make it up to my baby then.."
He said offering the spoon. Y/n blushed shyly but opened her mouth anyways.


"Congratulations on the graduation"
V said pecking her lips.

Y/n: "You t--"

They heard a distant call and found Taehyung running towards them, the black hat almost falling down.

He ran and lift Y/n up twirling her around. Y/n let out a high pitched scream, startled.

"Congratulations! Finally!"
He giggled softly before placing her on the feet again. He hugged her tightly and gave a long kiss on her lips.

V: "Ugh! Stop it. Are you trying to look down at us because you've got a good rank?"
V scoffed. Taehyung punched on his chest.

Taehyung: "You know for me what matters now..? It's, that we made it through. I almost thought that you will be failing but here you are.. so isn't that the moment of celebration?"
V rolled his eyes.

Y/n: "Mhm it is."
She whispered softly looking at the both of them.

ಠ⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಠ


Taehyung heard a whisper against his hair. He almost shrugged it off until he felt a tap on his shoulder.

His mouth was covered tightly before he could even let out a loud. He found his brother standing there asking to keep his mouth shut.

Taehyung mouthed, when he was released. V grabbed his hand before dragging him out of the room, leaving sleeping Y/n alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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