The Beginning

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      In The Beginning, there were many elemental masters. They were the Royal protectors of the realm known as Ninjago. Many elemental masters were seen as higher beings. So they were crowned either king or queen, As decided by the people. They had their kingdoms where they had their villagers. And they would go around helping their people. 

The people loved their Royal rulers because of their gifted power. And the kingdoms of the elemental masters were United. They transported goods and services to each other. And helped each other. But there wasa dark evil that emerged and made the elemental masters go against each other. Thus the Great War of Elementa began.

     Many soldiers were lost. And many friendships were broken. After many years of war, the fire king and the water queen developed feelings for each other. They teamed up and together defeated the other masters. One by one, the other masters surrendered due to the great power of both water and fire put together. But instead of finishing the Job. A treaty was signed and decided to send the other elemental masters away. Thus sending all other masters to hide. Their kingdoms were slowly moved to other places. Far, far, far away....

       Some elemental masters rebuilt their empires and started holding up their forts. But some weren't as lucky. Such as the Earth kingdom. Which was the first to go down. Thus, wiping the small kingdom off of the map. The Earth kingdom and the Fire kingdom didn't always get along.

       Many years after the war. The fire king and water queen had 2 children. And have continued to be known as the most powerful kingdom in all of Ninjago.

        This story starts in a kingdom. A kingdom where red and blue most thrive. We have our royal family. The fire king known as King Ray. And the queen of water. Known as Queen Maya. Together, both of them had 2 lovely children.

    Princess Nya. The New generation, Master of Water. She likes to talk to the villagers. She helps them in their time of need.She's also very smart. She likes to invent nifty gadgets that can help people in the village. Many men have tried to conquer her. But she always says that she doesn't need a man to hold her down. She controls her own path, and no one can tell her who she must pick. Out of all the other royals or rich suitors, She picks one of the knights. Of course it's against King Ray's rule but hey at least she's having fun. Besides. He doesn't have to know.

And we have Prince Kai. The New generation, master of Fire. The heir to his fathers throne once King ray decides it is time to step down. The spotlight was always on Kai. Since Kai is the heir to the throne. Most of the pressure has been put on him. Always being pressured to have proper thinking, etiquette, reasoning, etc. which kind of stressed him out. He couldn't play with the kids like Nya did when they were younger. Because he was supposed to set an example. And be the responsible one. 

This is The Beginning of our story. 

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