Apricots and tea leaves

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Kai woke up.

He looked around as he rubbed his eyes. His vision was a little blurry.

He yawned quietly and stretched. He was still in the same clothes that he was in yesterday.

His hair was ruffled a little.

So Kai fixed it.

He was about to get up. But then he wondered what Cole could be doing at this moment. He'd have to check once he got his feet on the floor. Kai exhaled as he moved his body parts around. He wasn't fully awake to process anything though. He blinked once and saw a shape that was similar to the one in his room. He rubbed his eyes to make sure he was still conscious. When he fully opened his eyes. He saw his room.. Huh? How is that possible? Didn't he fall asleep in Nya's hideout? How could he be in his room? He was literally with Cole.

Speaking of which, was nowhere around. Kai was going to get up and figure out what was going on before he heard a grunt. Kai froze and kept quiet so he could figure out what the sound was. He heard the grunt again. He looked around to see Cole.

Phew. He was happy to see Cole. But what was Cole doing? He took a closer look to see that Cole was doing push-ups.

With one arm of course.

Kai watched as he then quickly switched to the other arm. Kai found it very cool. He smiled as he continued to watch.

Cole however had a million thoughts racing through his head.One of his big concerns was How he was going to "take care of the prince" or how he was going to get it done without getting caught by the personnel. This is what they don't tell you about being an assassin. Sure it's all fun and games until you actually have to put your crazy plan into action. Sure it's all super risky but at the end of the day...the pay is huge. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices in life.

Cole then looked up to see Kai watching him. Kai saw that he was busted so he quickly looked away. However, Cole thought Kai was still asleep. It surprised him a little so he just stood there on the floor a little as He grinned at Kai before scrambling to get up.

"How long were you staring for?" He said as he was now fully off the floor.

Kai didn't answer however due to the fact that he was a little red from embarrassment. After a few seconds he managed to cough up a response.

"Errr..I'm not sure".

Cole smiled softly at Kai.

"Hey, don't stress about it. I was just teasing you. Don't take it that seriously." He said as he patted Kai's back.

Kai smiled at him as he planted his feet on the floor. He then checked the time.

"Ah yes, your daily routine. I remember you told me yesterday before throwing multiple pillows at me" he said jokingly.

Kai laughed. "Well if you remember that then you must remember that I have literature first thing in the morning" Kai said before sighing.

Cole raised an eyebrow at Kai. "What was that sign for? I thought you told me that you love to write, "he asked.

"I do. But since my dad wanted me to be my very best. He signed me up to the hardest literature course because the normal one wasn't challenging enough. Creative writing" he said.

"If you want. I can help you. I used to take creative writing when I was younger. It was one of my coping mechanisms, "Cole said.

Kai's face brightened. "You would..help me?" He said eagerly. "Sure. I may be your bodyguard but that doesn't mean I can't help you out...Unless you don't want me to. I am here to serve..my prince".

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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