Royal posters

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A perfect way to end his Royal duties list! By putting up Royal posters in the village. Obviously Kai didn't want to hang any posters at all. But his father wanted the villagers to see that even the prince had to do some good old fashioned work. The posters were for "help wanted". Due to the short staff at the castle. Kai had to go and nail job opportunities to a post. The opportunities were for many jobs. Such as librarians, Gardeners, Knights and way more that anyone can sign up for. 

He saw as bystanders were watching in awe. Wondering why the prince was out here doing work. A small line of people were lining up to the castle to get first pick on jobs. Kai didn't really have much to do than just wave and nail the posters to the wall. 

He didn't like doing it. Hours and hours of not doing anything interesting. He was just bored. Until he was going to nail his millionth paper of the day. He put the paper up in view. He made sure to place it neatly. He reached for a nail and made sure it stood put. 

Kai then noticed that a slightly taller man was standing there. Looking at the poster. He seemed...different than the other villagers. He didn't know why. The man then looked at Kai with a warm smile. Kai smiled back only because it was the polite thing to do.

"What do you think?" The guy suddenly said in a soft voice 

"What do I think of what?" Kai as he put his tools away

"About the jobs. Which one I should go for? There's just so many options here!" The guy said.

"Well how about librarian? That's a good one" Kai said

"Nah. Too boring." The guy said as he continued to look at the options.

"Cook?" Kai said 

"No way. I'm not a good cook. I once gave my friend food poisoning from my cooking. It was not pretty..." the man said 

Kai let out a little pff as he continued to look at the opportunities for the guy.

"Castle painter? Knight? Bodyguard? Gardener? Advisor? I don't suppose you want maid wouldn't you?" Kai said as he was reading down the  list of options.

The man laughed at Prince Kai's suggestion. But in a joking manner. 

"What? Maid? You would like me to clean your little palace wouldn't you?" The guy said sarcastically 

"No I didn't mean it at all! I was naming options for you!" Kai said 

"I know, I know. I was just joking! Sue me!...But that bodyguard option does seem rather interesting. I do have the skills for that one." The man said proudly. 

"Yeah you do have the physical attributes of a bodyguard." Kai said as he looked at the guy.

"What is that supposed to mean?" The guy said jokingly 

"I don't just look strong." Kai said as he shrugged. 

"Oh well thank you Prince Kai!" The guy said as he bowed 

"You are very welcome but I do prefer if you don't bow. I'm not used to people doing it to me." Kai said nervously 

"Oh I totally get it" the guy said as he got up and stood normally. 

"Thank you ... actually I never caught your name" Kai said 

"Cole. It's nice to meet you too" Cole said as he extended his hand so kai could shake it. Which kai did so so very softly.

Bells started ringing from the big building to indicate that the time was 12:00pm exactly. 

"Ooh. I would love to chat more but I have to get going to the palace. Fingers crossed i get that bodyguard job. I'll see you around!" Cole said as he waved at Kai and started speeding his way over to the palace.

Kai waved back and smiled as he watched Cole make his way to the castle.

"I hope to see you soon" he said quietly but Cole couldn't hear him as he was already gone.

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