Secret hideout

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 Time: 7:00 sharp.

Kai grunted as he woke up by the sounds of the trumpets ringing outside his door. He sighed. Another day of training to be awesome. He thought sarcastically. He got up to stretch a little. All of his training and classes and whatnot had his posture looking terrible. He tried to fix it a little better before his father made him take posture classes. He rolled his eyes at the thought. Kai wasn't amused at the thought. He just wanted to get the day over with.

Luckily, Kai was a handsome prince. He had medium light brown hair. It was usually a little messy. But he assured his parents it was part of a new trend.

"All the youngsters have his cool hairstyle" he would say.

He got into a fencing accident recently which left a scar on his left eye. King Ray was mad at Kai for not taking precautions. But let him live. He didn't like it but Kai thought it made him look more tough.

More manly

Kai picked out a nice outfit before stepping outside. His favorite red Royal shirt with a sash over it and his favorite pair of Royal pants. There's not much to say about them. It's pants. He had some fancy dress shoes and after the whole outfit was finished. He opened the door to get his day started.

He had a whole list of chores to do. Well, not chores. More like...royal duties. But yeah, chores sound way better. The first thing that he was supposed to do was to wake Nya up. Not much of a chore since Nya usually wakes Him up. Kai went to go see what Nya was up to. He went to her room and knocked.

No response

He shrugged. She was probably talking to that one knight she likes. Kai knew the knight. They got along well. They liked to playfully joke about not liking each other until Nya put a stop to it. He walked to the knight's post which was near the pillars in the hallway. Surely Nya was there talking it up with him. He turned the corner to see.



Oh well. There's one last spot he knew for sure that was where Nya was. He walked past the knight's post to a small library.


As smart as she is, she has secrets of her own. King Ray usually pays attention to Kai and makes sure he gets his etiquette lessons so he can be the next king and whatnot. With all the free time,  She was given enough time to create a secret hideout using the bookshelf. Kai picked the book that led him to her hideout.

He picked a book. Its cover had 4 young ladies on it. It was a little worn down but hey. Who expects these old books to look brand new? He looked at the older book and turned it around. He looked at the back.

"Little women".

A classic. He walked with the book over to the very back of the mini-book area. There were broken lecterns hidden in the back. But one lectern would open up the secret hideout of the Princess. He placed the book on the lectern. He then turned to the page with the correct quote.

Page 718.

"I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship".

Ah yes. Thank you, little women.

Very deep or "a brand new meaning that spices up life as it can broaden one's perspective" As Kai's literary teacher would say. Kai didn't like him. Well obviously. He didn't like most of his teachers anyway. Kai was getting lost in his thoughts before the secret passage opened. He walked into the entrance and watched as the secret door closed by itself. Kai walked further in and sure enough.

Nya was there.

Working on some repairs in her hideout.

It may be a secret lair. But it was furnished very well. It was very comfy with a big fluffy couch and many of Nya's items. There were video games and clothes Nya wouldn't typically be able to have. There was a secret stash of snacks that Nya had saved. And some of Kai's favorite books were made in a neat pile next to a beanbag chair. Nya was in the back and next to her was Jay. The knight that stole her heart.

"Hey Jay, pass me that would you?" Nya said as she was repairing one of the damaged pipes in her hideout.

Jay nodded as he picked up one of her tools. he handed it to Nya.

She grabbed the tool and was about to use it but saw that it wasn't the correct tool. She looked at it and face palmed.

"Jay. How many times do I have to tell you that this tool is for tires only? Not for securing pipes." She said as she sighed and put the tool back.

Kai still couldn't believe that Jay out of everyone got access to Nya's secret lair. The only people who knew about it were Kai, Jay, and of course Nya.

"I still can't believe you picked this one Nya," Kai said jokingly as he gave Nya the next tool she needed for the pipe.

"I hate to give him the satisfaction of being right but...I can't believe it either! I'm so glad such a powerful woman like her even knows I exist! Wow is she so cool! I love you Nya!" He said in an excited tone.

Nya giggled as she placed a kiss on Jay's cheek. Kai rolled his eyes. He wasn't the type of guy to be into this mushy gushy stuff. Many princesses and even village women wanted to be with Kai but alas. He wasn't interested. Kai never thought he needed a Princess anyway.

"Are you done yet? I might need a bucket to hold my puke." He said jokingly as he stuck his tongue out at Jay and Nya.

"You dingus! Way to take the romance out of it..." Nya said as she laughed and put her arm around Jay.

Kai let out a little "eh" as he smiled. He checked "wake Nya up" off his list. Then he checked his watch.


Which was enough time to make it to one of his classes.

"It was nice while it lasted but I have to go to one of my classes," Kai said as he waved goodbye to Nya and Jay as he walked out of the secret hideout.

He watched as the secret door that kept the hideout secret. Opened. And let Kai out. Then it went back to looking like an old library. Kai smiled as he fixed his posture and walked to one of his classes of the day. 

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