Mr Rocky Dangerbuff

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After a long day of nailing the Royal posters to different posts. Kai returned to the castle with an empty box of nails. Well not really...there were some wonky nails at the bottom. They were no use for the large amount of posters.

Speaking of posters. There was almost none
left. Except for the ones that Kai accidentally ripped. But he got rid of the evidence. There will be no room for imperfections here.

Now that everything was taken care of, Kai had some time to himself. He was about to enjoy it before watching the amount of people in the palace. The work interviews were going on in the room right next to him. There was a long line of people waiting to get in. Some people got jobs. Some left empty handed. But there's a trick to figure out who got a job and which Job they got.

For example, the woman that was leaving the room just now. She was holding an envelope. There we go. Sign one. Envelope. Everyone who passed the tests received an envelope. It was a white envelope with a gold seal. Made with expensive wax of course. Then we reach sign two. On the front of the envelope there was lettering. You couldn't read the lettering obviously but you can see the color of the lettering. The color of the lettering was green. Indicating that the woman got a job as a gardener. Kai thought about it. This woman would be taking care of the plants? Sure? He didn't know what to think.

What Kai was more interested in was looking for Cole. He wanted to see if the guy that he met earlier today landed a job at the place he lives. Kai looked at the long line of people. He looked for anyone that looked like Cole. Nope. He looked all around the place. From the long line of villagers to the people leaving the castle with their envelopes and the line of people who didn't have any envelopes.

Kai scratched his head. What? Why isn't he here? Cole was probably playing with him. Yeah that's what. Kai couldn't believe it! Such barbaric behavior. It didn't amuse him. In fact it changed his whole mood. Well for the next 2 minutes. Before a Royal advisor came over to Kai.

"Prince Kai! Your father has requested for you to go to the throne room! For a chat" the advisor said as they were waiting to escort Kai to the throne room.

Kai nodded as he did what he was told. He didn't know why his father wanted him to go to the royal throne room. But all he knew was that it was urgent.

Upon entering the throne room, Kai saw that he had company. Both Nya and Jay were there. Kai's heart dropped. Could it be? Did his father find out about the secret room? Was he not careful when he was exiting earlier today? He stood in front of his father. With the correct posture and polite look in his eyes.

King Ray looked at his son. Kai was on the verge of sweating.

"Are you aware of the reason why I called you here?" The king said

Kai didn't answer. Just in case he would say something he wasn't supposed to say. He couldn't look at Nya for help because he was facing his father and he couldn't look away because that would be considered rude.

"Well since you are unaware...I will answer for you"

Kai was about to die right inside before his father started speaking.

"I did some research and according to my sources. I need to take better care of you. I can't have the future of my kingdom left unattended. What if someone happens to you? That's why I decided to hire a bodyguard for each of you." The king explained

Kai's face lit up. Bodyguard? So that means that his bodyguard could be Cole!

"Wait. what about Nya?" Kai asked

"Oh. I tried to offer Nya a bodyguard of her own but she said she much prefers this knight here"

Kai looked at Nya. Nya smiled mischievously as she softly nudged Jay. Jay gave Kai a thumbs up.

"Well....Who will be my bodyguard?" Kai said very curiously

"You can come out now Mr Dangerbuff!" King Ray said

Kai frowned. So Cole didn't get the job. Some Dangerbuff guy did. He didn't know how this Dangerbuff guy would do as a protector.

His thoughts were interrupted by a man walking in.

It was Cole.

He was wearing a different outfit than what he had on earlier today.

Cole formerly stopped next to King Ray.

"Prince Kai. Meet your new bodyguard. Rocky Dangerbuff"

Kai looked at his father then at Cole. You can tell he was very confused..

Kai looked at cole very weirdly. This was his new bodyguard? Yes he had the physique of a bodyguard but he didn't exactly feel...confident.

"Now you may go along with your day. But the bodyguard stays with you at all times. Do you understand?" King Ray asked.

Kai nodded.

"Good." King Ray said as he walked away. The royal advisor was right behind him.

Jay and Nya took this as a sign to walk away and go to Nya's room. Where they can talk about things that couples talk about.

That just left Kai and "Rocky Dangerbuff"

Kai turned to look at Cole.

When he did, he crossed his arms and looked at him suspiciously.

"Rocky Dangerbuff?" Kai said as he snickered a little.

"What? It suits me" cole said jokingly

"So do I technically call you Rocky or Cole?" Kai asked

Cole shrugged.

"It's up to you." Cole said


"There's something about the name Rocky that I don't like...." Kai admitted

Cole rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Now come. I have a few things I have to do" Kai said as he walked out the throne room

Cole did as he was told to and followed Kai. Not behind him or anything. Like right next to him.

As he was walking. He made a mental note in his head.

'Phase two. Check' he thought.

Now he had to gain the Prince's trust. He didn't know how he would do that. But he's gotten this far in only a few hours. So he could think of something.

Plus the prince has been very friendly so far. So this would be a piece of cake. Especially for a skilled assassin like Cole.


How hard can it be?

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