5: Aurora

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I was extremely relieved to sit down for my midterms on Monday. I squirmed in my seats throughout all of them, the painkillers could only do so much. But despite everything that was going on, I had been preparing for these exams weeks ago and at this point the information was so ingrained in my memory, that I was able to breeze through the tests.

Now it's Thursday and I'm done with my midterms. I've been on bedrest when not taking an exam, but my body is still sore. The stitches sting and I can't wait until I can get them removed. I've been obsessively watching them and treating it to avoid infection; that's the last thing I need.

Tonight is the mid semester meeting for fall in the environmental club. I've planned an informational slideshow about current environmental news that we should be caught up with and I thrifted some planter pots last week that we'll paint. I bought soil and a variety of seeds for the members to choose from. Then we'll go over the events planned for the rest of the semester and see what times meetings best for them.

I'm the first to arrive at the room on campus where we are holding the meeting, which was good because I had been given the key. I turn on the lights in the classroom and walk to the computer to turn it on and log into my student account.

When I'm set up, I turn off my headphones and play my music through the projector. I turn on the playlist I made specifically for club meetings and start rearranging the chairs and setting everything up.

James, the vice president of the club, walks in about 10 minutes later. "Hey Rory. Sorry I'm a little late, I stayed after class to ask my professor a question."

"Oh no worries," I say. "I'm almost done setting up. Is that the paint?" I look at the tote bag he's got slung over his shoulder.

"Yeah. I can't believe I found them at the thrift shop, it was a big steal." The two of us have been on the hunt for pots and paints at second hand stores to make the activity even more environmentally friendly. "Some of them aren't super full, but they'll make do."

"Perfect," I say with excitement. We finish getting everything ready, members shuffling in as it gets closer to the meeting time.

I'm going over the notes of things I want to mention, I do get nervous speaking in front of all the members. Having all their eyes on me at once, ready to judge me the minute I start speaking freaks me out. So I make sure I'm extra prepared in hopes that I don't make a mistake they can scrutinize me for.

"Rory, what are the odds that you're here?" I look up to see the sight of my first responder. Oliver Davies is staring down at me with a smile on his face.

"Oliver, you actually came." When I told him people are always welcome to join, I didn't really expect him to actually show up. More than half the people who stop at the table are never to be seen again. Meetings on campus are usually pretty sparse and there's only about 10 super active members who don't miss a thing. Clean ups are a different story. Those get at least 50 people most of the time.

"I said I would." He had gotten my apartment address from my parents and came to my door with soup and a different book on Tuesday. He ended up coming in and we talked for about an hour about books and films and music before he had to leave for practice. I am not the type of person to sit down and talk to people like that- it's so unfamiliar to me, but it felt comfortable with Oliver. It would be nice to have a friend for a change. I'll have a little break for Thanksgiving, maybe it'll make things a little less lonely. "How are you feeling? You really should be at home resting."

"I'm fine. I've been sitting most of the day and using my walker." I had been so embarrassed rolling around campus with the large metal walker because of the amount of attention it attracted. I hate being perceived and today I've felt all eyes on me. But it was my only option if I wanted to get around campus today.

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