8: Oliver

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Of course I could tell how uncomfortable Rory felt while I was next to her at a hockey party. People are so fucking judgy. They like to stick their noses in places that are off limits which makes it hard for me to do anything without having everyone clawing their way into my business.

It's exhausting. And of course I felt bad that it was affecting Rory. The tension in her shoulders and worry on her face made me sad. But I wasn't lying when I told her that I'd much rather be at home watching a movie. Parties are fun when I want to forget things, and usually on Halloween, it's the perfect distraction.

Watching a movie with Rory sounds so much better though.

"Where's your girl? I want to meet her!" Asher comes dancing up to me. He's definitely already pretty deep in with the drinking and I pat his shoulder.

"You good?" I ask him. Asher has a tendency to come to parties to forget about things too.

"Hell yeah man. It's Halloween, the night is young!" He puts his arm around my shoulder in a side hug.

"See that girl in the Fight Club fit?" I tilt my head back and stick my tongue to the side of my cheek, trying to contain my laughter.

"Josie?" I look at him.

"Yes." He puts his hands on my shoulders in shock. "You know her?"

"That's Rory's cousin."

"Fuck!" He looks at her. "She's so cool."

"Trust me dude, she is not going to give you the time of day." While Rory and I sat painting earlier, she started to talk about her cousin. How she was mature and had her life together. She knew what she wanted and it was not a younger guy in college who didn't know what he wanted out of life yet.

"I can charm her," he says confidently. I know he truly thinks he can.

"Good luck with that. But, you'll have more luck with someone like sexy nurse over there. She's been eyeing you."

He doesn't even glance in her direction. "I like a challenge." He looks at Josie with a smirk.

"Well, I'm out of here for a bit." I walk towards Josie without further explanation, Asher, of course, following closely.

"I'm taking Rory over to my place to watch a movie. You know, she doesn't look well at all. I think she's sick," I say when I'm close enough for Josie to hear me. Earlier at festival, her face was a little pale, but I figured she was just cold. Tonight she looks tired and her voice weak. 

She gets serious for a moment, stopping her movement and looking at me with a stern look. "Yeah, she said she might be getting sick but that she was okay to go out. But it would be good for her to just rest. Don't try anything funny." She takes her phone out of the coat pocket and starts typing away with speed, assumingly sending a message to her cousin.

She looks back at me and then over my shoulder. Asher, still behind me, looks at Josie with lust. I shake my head at his silly antics, but amuse his foolish romantic hopes anyways. "You've met Asher?" I ask Josie.

"Briefly. Hi." Her eyes don't stay on him long as she starts regarding me once more. "I'm serious, I'll fucking castrate you if you hurt that girl. Now don't leave her waiting long." Josie continues on with her dancing and I turn to Asher.

"I'll see you later."

"Wait, I want to meet her before you leave."

"No." He follows me anyways. When I can see Rory from a distance, I take in the sight of her. I watch her watch other people, hoping that our eyes will meet. Before I allow that to happen, I turn to my annoying friend. "I'm not ready for you to meet her yet."

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