7: Aurora

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Oliver had been looking at me funny the whole evening, or not looking at me at all. I have trouble with eye contact, so I don't take much notice of it. I finished soon after he started painting rock band logos and music notes on his bag. I recognized Nirvana and the Chili Peppers pretty easily. Rolling Stones, Misfits, bands my dad listens to. He looked shocked when I knew them. I guess I don't look like I listen to rock music, but it's one thing that always bonded my dad and I.

There are certain things we don't agree on, in music and in life. But we could sit for hours and listen to music together. My dad was good at taking time off in between cases. He wasn't quick to find a client after a case closed. Instead, he would take a week off to be home.

I loved it when he drove me to school in high school. Those morning's he would turn on the rock station and tell me random facts about whatever band was playing. When I got out of the car at the parent drop off, he'd say, "Smile lots!" before I closed the door and I would wave at him in embarrassment, put my headphones in, and blast whatever band we were just listening to on my phone as I walked to first period.

As the sun sets, the sky fills with orange and pink swirls. Oliver says he wants to take a shower before he goes to the party tonight. "You could come if you wanted. I'd chill on the couch with you."

"Thanks for the invite, but I've got plans."

"Oh ya? What does Aurora Bakker have planned for Halloween night?"

"My cousin is flying in for the weekend. I've spent every Halloween of my life with her." My cousin Josie is the best friend I've ever had. She's three years older than me and lives in California, working in Hollywood. She is the biggest film nerd I've ever met. But not in a pretentious loser way, her passion for film draws people in. We lived in the same town growing up, but since we've both gone to college, it's not often that we see each other.

"You could bring your cousin too," he offers.

"That's not our kinda thing. We're going to cook spaghetti tacos, smoke some weed and watch Halloween movies."

"Sounds like a solid night. So you and your cousin are close?"

"Extremely close. She's like a sister to me." Growing up as an only child was difficult, lonely. Especially since my parents were always working, I wished they had another child so that I wasn't by myself so often. But, to be completely honest, I don't think my parents wanted any children. They often tell me that I'm the best surprise to come into their lives, but that's what I was- a surprise.

My cousin always treated me like I was her little sister. She had always wanted a sister, but instead grew up with 2 older brothers. They made her tough and independent and I think she's the coolest girl to exist. Josie is a role model in my life who has truly shaped me as a person.

"Do you have siblings?" I ask him.

"No." Neither of us are smiling.

"Kinda sucks doesn't it?"

"Big time. But, it's good my parents didn't have any children besides me. They had a very loveless marriage." I like it when he opens up to me because I know he doesn't with many people. Maybe he doesn't ever at all, and that makes me sort of sad. At least I have my parents to support me, to talk about things, and express my feelings. "Well, I should probably get going. The guys will leave without me if I'm not back." I nod my head in understanding and sigh a breath I'd been holding.

"Can I walk you to your car? I feel like I need to get up and walk a bit. My body is feeling really stiff."

"You're really not supposed to be out much, let alone walking around Rory," he says with concern. My parents had been saying the same thing since the second they left the hospital. I feel well enough to get back into things, so why wouldn't I? I've always done a pretty good job at taking care of myself and my body heals quickly because of it.

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