2. Halstead Hurt

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Warnings: Mentions of violence, blood, shootings, injuries and scary men

Summary: And so it all starts to unfold. 

A/N: This is quite short in comparison to the last one but it's starting to get a lil juicy. 


Coming back to wasn't pleasant.

The effects of whatever drug he'd been injected with were still present but were slowly wearing off. With heavy eyes, Jay surveyed the room he didn't recognise but could identify as a basement.

"You're finally awake." Will sighed in relief at the sight of his now conscious brother. He looked as bad as he felt but the blood painting his hand, that wasn't there beforehand.

"Whose blood is that?" Jay asked, clearing his throat as he did so. Water would be the biggest luxury right about now but torture was the route the Murray brothers were taking today.

"Jacksons." Will plainly said, not really bothered by the blood on his hands. "His wound needed stitches and I was available I guess you could say."

"We're not at the cabin anymore." Jay stated but his tone came across unsure because he never actually thought if the cabin had a basement.

"Yup. We're in the middle of nowhere." Will nodded, confirming both their fears. Not only did they have absolutely no idea where they were but no one in the outside world knew of their location if someone were to notice their disappearance.

"Where the hell is Y/N?" Jay asked, only now realising that you weren't in the basement with them. Now that the drugs were fully disappearing, he was slowly starting to think straight.

"I haven't seen her." Will said solemnly. "She's probably with those bastards."

Jay couldn't believe this. Not only had they been kidnapped but you were nowhere to be seen. There was no way of knowing what they were doing to you or if you were even still alive right now and he hated how helpless he was.

Both brothers remained in zip ties but Will more restrained since Jay's ankles were free. Will had been awake much more longer than Jay and while reluctantly stitching Jackson back up, he accumulated a plan that would only be successful if they moved fast.

"Jay, listen to me very carefully." Will caught his younger brothers attention, stopping him from fiddling with the zip ties. "What I'm about to say is going to sound crazy but you have to trust me on this."

"Always." Jay nodded with no hesitation. They were brothers for goodness sakes, he'd trust Will and you with his life any day.

"You have to dislocate your arm."

"What?!" Jay looked at Will incredulously despite what was said five seconds prior.

Will looked at Jay pointedly before carrying on. "You can pop it right back into place. Anyways, you dislocate it and you're out the zip ties. There's a window right above me so if I give you a boost, all you have to do is kick it open and you're out."

Jay sat in silence, digesting the decent plan Will thought through during the time Jay was unconscious. It actually sounded like it could work.

With no other options, Jay agreed and carefully listened to Will's instructions on how to pop his shoulder out its socket.

Jay groaned through his gritted teeth, his shoulder screaming in pain after he very aggressively bashed it against the concrete wall but it was just like Will said, with a quick tug he was able to slip out the zip ties.

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