8. Halstead Tough

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Warnings: Warnings: Mentions of violence, blood, injuries, abuse, kidnappings, shootings, swearing and scary men.

Summary: Getting out only gets harder and Will doesn't know how much longer he can go.

A/N: I initially wrote the beginning of this chapter really graphically with a butt ton of violence but then I was like, maybe I should be nice but then I sat and really thought about it. So, my final decision coincides with a decent amount of violence, but the details will be sparse because I don't want to scare you lot because that's what loving writers do, you know. I hope you enjoy and love this chapter just as much as I do because guess what, this series will be done at around chapter ten or so, I haven't decided yet. 😉


So much had happened but what Will took from the experience was either two things: he majorly hurt two men, or he killed two men, either or. But he wasn't sticking around to find out.

Will forced you to close your eyes and not look, he didn't want you to see anything just in case it went wrong, and you ended up witnessing him get hurt which you surprisingly hadn't so far.

The pocketknife had gone through the first man's chest, and he currently lay immobile on the floor with blood pouring out his chest like no tomorrow while the second man had two bullet holes in him while he lay besides his accomplice, one near his kidney and the other somewhere around his collarbone. The sight should've made Will feel sick, but he didn't and that's what made him feel guilty.

"You can open your eyes now." Will whispered to you, clearing his throat when he heard the coarseness of his voice. "Nearly there I promise."

Will only heard you hum in reply and just as he was going to assume the worst, you started talking to him.

"Are you okay?"

Will took a second to answer you. He wasn't the best when it came to violence, he knew just enough for sufficient self-defence and against two men who had most definitely been in crime for a long time, he was bound to come out unsuccessful.

Blowing out a puff of air, Will gently set you down so your back was leaning against the painted wall. Making sure you were as comfortable as could be in your current form, Will pulled away and fell to his knees ungracefully.

Just as you were going to ask any more questions, Will peeled off his shirt that had already been covered in grime, sweat and blood to reveal not one but two gaping wounds in his torso.

The sight made you sick.

One of them was fresh while the other looked older, the blood not pouring out like the other. The older looking one was more towards his lower torso, you weren't a professional, but you would say it was around his pelvis/kidney area while the newer addition was making itself comfortable at his ribcage; you didn't need to be a professional to know that.

Sucking in through his teeth, Will screw his eyes shut as he tore the bottom half of his shirt. Ripping the ruined fabric into two, he tightly wrapped it around his bloody wounds, grinding his teeth as he did so. But just as he was tying it to prevent any more blood loss, the blood started soaking through his blue shirt, the colour changing to a dark purple of sorts.

Your hazy state had been semi-cured seeing Will bleeding. You had a slight suspicion he'd been hurt but not to this degree. You knew none of this was your fault, but you couldn't help feeling guilty. Will had been selfless and helped you and Jay, leaving nothing for himself in favour for you two.

Gosh, you could already hear Jay's anguish once he found out what Will did.

"Will! What on earth-" You started but were interrupted by said man who only tightened the makeshift bandage and shakily stood to his feet. He looked over the dizziness and how he swayed slightly once he got up, along with ignoring the trickles of blood trailing down.

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