3. Halstead Lost

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Warnings: Mentions of violence, blood, injuries, bullet wounds etc. 

Summary: The news unravels and it isn't pretty at all. 

A/N: So, what do we think of this so far? I think I'm having a bit too much fun writing this...


Trudy was good, happy even. No one had gotten on her nerves today and her stomach was content from the donuts she took from the break room.

She expected the rest of the day to go slow, going through paperwork and handle the occasional annoying citizen. What she wasn't expecting was a call from a woman working at 911 dispatch saying she had something Trudy would probably find interesting.

Thanking the woman, Trudy opened up the link that the woman sent her. The voice that greeted her was one she immediately recognised and normally she would roll her eyes but this time, her face blanched.

Without another thought, she buzzed herself upstairs and walked into the bullpen. As a reflex, she scanned the room, looking at each desk which had a person sitting at them but one. Right, she'd seen him leave early today.

Walking into Hank's office, she didn't even bother knocking or checking if he was busy. "Hank, you need to hear this."

Not waiting for an answer even if she received a nod, she rounded his desk, clicking a few things before the audio came up.

"911, What's your emergency?"

"Detective Jay Halstead, badge number 51163, reporting the kidnapping of a Chicago firefighter, cop and-"

Jay's voice was cut off from the audio but it continued playing. Men grunted, the operator asked a few questions but got no answer and then several gunshots were fired before the line went dark.

"Boss, what's up? We caught a case?"

Watching Trudy storm into Voight's office, everyone silently argued who would be doing the honours, Adam pulling the short straw. The question was innocent but the answer was unnerving.

Increasing the volume, Trudy replayed the audio clip. Hearing it for the third time, she could hear the pain and grit the detective spoke with, the amount of men in the background seemed to increase, spiking her anxiety even further than it already was.

"When was this?" Adam asked, trying his best not to worry too much. Jay had been kidnapped before and that experience definitely left its mark with the entire unit.

"An hour ago but Halstead left way before that." Trudy said, remembering when she bid adieu to the detective.

"Right. Him, Will and Y/N went up to their dad's cabin to clean it out. Jay said they were gonna sell it." Adam recalled, backing out of Voight's office and going towards his desk.

"What's wrong?" Hailey asked the question they'd all been thinking. Adam was supposed to give them answers, not pile onto the high stack of questions they already had.

"The Halstead's have been kidnapped."

The silence was unsettling as those five words sunk in. Not just one Halstead but all three had somehow been kidnapped and been missing for several hours now.

"Y/N's phone is offline but the other two put them at the cabin." Adam said very much confused at the information he was reading on his screen. That didn't add up.

"Upton, you stay here with Trudy, you'll be feeding us from here. The rest of you, we're going to Wisconsin."


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