5. Halstead Number Two

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Mentions of violence, blood, injuries, abuse, kidnappings, shootings, and scary men.

Summary: Things all of a sudden turn around for the middle Halstead sibling.

A/N: It's a little late but this is in celebration of 800 followers on my tumblr. This and the next two chapter were both written at school on my schools chromebooks so just ignore any mistakes. Enjoy!!


Kelly had been taken off shift as soon as Boden was informed of your predicament. A replacement came in and Kelly left 51 with everyone on edge.

With Trudy's permission, Kelly joined Hailey along with all the other units as they scoured the streets, looking up and down and all around for any sign of any of the Halsteads.

Kelly could remember it as though it was yesterday. The Murray brothers first came into their lives on a call that both 51 and intelligence responded to, a mere coincidence honestly and Med was the nearest hospital, so it only made sense.

The ever intriguing and elusive Halstead siblings drew in the Murray's and low and behold, several days later, you never turned up to shift.

Your kidnapping several years ago, a moment in all your lives that had been buried deep had suddenly resurfaced and Kelly could only think and prepare himself for the worst.

Huffing in par anger and par disappointment, Kelly looked up to the darkening sky, the sunset slowly fading would usually be a beautiful sight but today, it had no significance to him. In fact, it only made him think of you more.

"Come one Severide." Hailey pressed her lips together tightly, her smile strained and eyes dim. She was just as exhausted and distraught as him, she knew exactly what he was going through. "Everyone's reconveing with Trudy."

Before Kelly could reply, a phone went off. Confused, both he and Hailey checked their individual phones, Kelly tucking his back into his pocket when it wasn't his.

Already on edge, Kelly stood nervously, watching Hailey's face closely for any sign as to what she was being told.

"We need to go to Med."


"Listen, I'm fine! Back off and let me go!"

Hailey swallowed thickly, heart thundering out of her chest as she heard the voice she adored in secret. Picking up the pace, she pulled open the curtains and stood frozen in the trauma doorway.

"Jay." She said breathlessly, refusing to blink in fear that this was all a dream and she was going to wake up to the reality that he wasn't here at Med and alive.

"Thank goodness Hailey." Jay let himself deflate ever so slightly at the sight of his partner, but there was no time for pleasantries. "Get me out of here."

Hailey only now let herself blink, several times in fact due to her shock at her partners words. Jay was covered in blood and it was obvious to the naked eye that he was hurt. She heard the 911 audio, she knew he'd been shot but God knows how many injuries had been inflicted onto him.

Hailey hadn't been in Intelligence when the Murray brothers first came about, neither was she there for any of the Halstead siblings separate kidnappings so she was trekking in unknown territory.

"Listen Ethan, Will patched me up good." Jay began, turning to the Korean doctor who he knew was concerned about all of their well-beings'. "As soon as I get them back, I'll get seen."

Ethan wanted to argue but knew there was nothing stopping the middle sibling, rolling his eyes he turned to Maggie and asked for some painkillers before addressing him. "The second they're found, you're back in this treatment room."

"Scout's honour doc." Jay promised seriously, taking the tablets and chugging them back with some water he was given by Maggie. "I'll be fine."

And with that, Jay was walking out the room with Hailey trying to keep up with him.

"Jay? What the hell happened?" Hailey asked, picking up her pace so she could stay in step with him. She took note of the fire burning in his eyes and the determination he had in each step despite being injured.

"Where's Voight and everyone else?" Jay asked, ignoring her question as he caught sight of Severide leaning against Hailey's parked car outside the ER.

"They're on their way back." Hailey said, nodding at Kelly to get in the car, shaking her head at him so he wouldn't ask any questions despite how much he wanted to.

"Your hurt and you're bleeding Jay, you need-"

"My brother and my sister are on the verge of death Hailey!" Jay shouted with a mix of fear, anger and hurt. "They're bleeding somewhere and my baby sister is scared to death and I need to help them."

His shouts echoed in the packed out parking lot, his chest heaving as he went on with no one stopping him.

"Will and Y/N are all I have left Hailey." Jay said shakily, largely contrasting the sheer force he just spoke in. "I'm going to help, I don't care if it's the last thing I do."

There was nothing stopping a man who was about to lose all that he had left to live for.


Intelligence was finally whole again with the addition of Trudy and Kelly, all huddled together under a tent that was set up on middle ground.

When they arrived back in Chicago, the sheer amount of shock on everyone's face was evident.

Trudy had sworn everyone to secrecy but when she first saw Jay, her motherly instincts acted upon themselves as she squeezed the daylights out of him without causing any further injury.

"They dumped me." Jay said, revealing to the team how he'd gotten here. "They suddenly decided to move locations again and decided to dump me around the corner from Med which means they want me alive."

"What about Will and Y/N?" Antonio asked, being the first person to interject Jay since he started to unravel all the small necessary things.

Jay clenched and unclenched his jaw, his eye twitching in frustration as he folded his arms.

"They're still with Jackson and Ezra."

"No offense Jay but why would they get rid of you instead of Will?" Adam genuinely asked, confused as to why two criminals would release the ex-ranger and detective instead of the ER doctor.

All of a sudden, Jay looked like he was going to be sick. Like his new train of thought was going to make him throw up then and there.

"They want to keep Y/N alive for as long as possible, and only Will can do that."

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