4. Halstead help & Severide worry

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Warnings: Mentions of violence, blood, injuries, abuse, bullet wounds etc.

Summary: When Kelly finds out, things only go further downhill. 

A/N: So things go a bit awry so I apologise heavily in advance. 


Everything happened so fast.

One second Will was saying how lucky Jay was as he groaned but let out a big sigh of relief when Will brought up a bullet in the tweezers grasp. Fortunately, Jay wouldn't bleed out and if time permitted, Will could probably stitch him up here.

Will was saying something about Jay's thigh being in decent condition before the three of you continued joking around, keeping the atmosphere light hearted despite the grim thoughts in the back of all your minds.

Then, all of a sudden, the basement door burst open with such a fury that you all flinched.

Several men came barrelling into the room, all dressed in black but only two of them looked familiar causing you to sweat in dread.

So much was happening that it was difficult to register.

In the corner of your eye, you could see several men restrain your older brothers despite their pain, holding them down tightly and not once moving as if their shouts didn't bother them.

Their shouts were desperate that it physically pained you to hear but it all of a sudden clicked that their shouts were directed towards you.

Your restrained self allowed not much movement but you tried anyways, pushing them off with your elbows and trying to wiggling your way out their hands.

You tried reasoning with them, giving empty promises, trying to bargain and even begging but it was useless.

The hate you had for the Murray brothers was increased tenfold as tears fell down your scarred face, a phone being propped out and facing you directly.


Kelly was starting to get worried.

It'd been around less than half a shift since you left and according to his watch, you should've called him several hours ago.

To get out of his worrying thoughts, Kelly found himself doing his paperwork in the common room, hoping that the idiocy of firefighters would distract him.

It was beginning to work but then a notification went off and his first thought was that you were finally telling him you were still alive. Maybe his worrying was pointless afterall.

The smile on his face dropped in nanoseconds when he picked up his phone and there was no text message but a video instead. The video was of you, attempting to kick as you thrashed in two mens hold.

You were practically drenched in blood. The colour of your jeans you wore this morning and your half naked torso drowned in crimson made Kelly's heart lurch out of his chest.

Your screams of agony echoed out his phone and into the firehouse, putting everyone at a standstill. Your cries were very much audible, along with your breathless begging for them to stop; you had enough and couldn't handle it anymore.

The video ended with your screams blending in with the desperate shouts of two deep voices that Kelly couldn't help but recognise. Your pleads would forever scar your family, simply hearing it was enough to do so.

Kelly felt like being sick.


Forensics were scattered all around the cabin, inside and out, leaving no rock unturned.

Time was ticking and they were soon going to lose daylight which would only make their jobs ten times harder.

Kim was jotting down a few notes on what a tech was relaying to her when her phone rang, the name not surprising her at all. "Hey Hailey, what do you have?"

"I've got Severide with me."

Hailey's words confused the brunette causing her to stand up straight and squint her eyes in confusion till she remembered that the two of you had been dating for the past two years.


"He got sent a video four minutes ago."

Kim swallowed harshly. Such simple and vague words but she knew exactly what they meant. Looking over her shoulder, she jogged towards where the rest of the unit had huddled together after collecting all the physical evidence left behind.

"Sarge, I've got Hailey on."

"What's up?"

Before either female could reply, Kim received a notification and upon seeing what was attached, she already wanted the ground to swallow her up. She really was dreading what they were about to see.

Nothing was going to prepare her for what she saw nor what she was hearing.

Your bloodied and bruised body left no trace of your usual pale complexion. Your shouts turning into screams felt as though they vibrated through her being, her blood turning cold knowing her friend had been put through so much.

Screwing her eyes shut, she paused the video, refusing to see anymore of you in such a state. It was obviously clear as day that the rest of the unit felt the same way.

"I tracked the video and it's coming from here in Illinois, not Wisconsin." Hailey paused. "Trudy's got units on the 5 mile radius I was able to narrow down."

"Alright, we're coming back." Hank said, gesturing for everyone to get a move on. "Call us back as soon as you got something."

"You got it Sarge."


Your breaths were shallow, eyes dim and body numbing further time went by.

Death sounded so sweet right about now.

Jackson and Ezra had their fun but upon announcing their hunger, they simply let you fall like a ragdoll onto the cold concrete before leaving without another word.

Before you could register their exit, you felt two pairs of hands coming to hold you up. On instinct, you began fighting them off even though it brought you immense pain and it took too much effort.

But, it was only Jay and Will. Gosh, they'd watched the entire thing unfold and they couldn't do anything about it.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." You repeated under your breath, voice hoarse and sounding like you were about to lose it anytime soon.

"Y/N, hey, don't be silly." Will comforted you, sitting you up, back against the wall so he could inspect just how much more damage was inflicted. "Don't be sorry- we're sorry."

"I've literally traumatised you guys with my stupid screaming." You pointed out, your tone flat as you pointed out the most obvious. Guilt was swallowing you up whole and all you wanted to do was drown in it.

"Y/N, you're in pain, you have every right to scream and cry." Jay retorted back, also pointing out that what you did didn't need to be justified. "If you didn't, I'd be worried for you."

"I wanna go home." You whimpered, fingers curling around Jay's hand as the pain you were enveloped in increased tenfold. You must've sounded like a little child but your bed and sleep sounded so good right about now.

And your older brothers could do nothing else but agree.

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