7. Halstead Tough

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Warnings: Mentions of violence, blood, injuries, abuse, kidnappings, shootings, swearing and scary men.

Summary: When Jay least expected it, he suddenly starts hearing things. And maybe, he's starting to hallucinate too.

A/N: Am I suddenly full of inspiration and writing in school when i should be doing my lab write up? Yes I am. This chapter has been changed many times but I finally finished editing. A little spoiler- maybe I'm being nicer to my babies 🙃


Over the course of eating their very poorly put together 'meal', Will came to the conclusion that the food hadn't been tampered with and so he was happy to continue feeding you.

You had to admit that you felt like a baby, your older adult brother feeding adult you. You tried insisting you could feed yourself but with the state of your shaking fingers, hands sore from the countless times they'd been tied back, Will denied you your request.

The man that had given the tray of food returned and this time, there was something rectangle like sticking out in one of his trouser pockets while what clearly sounded like keys was sticking out in the other.

Your heart skipped a beat, and you could feel Will's heart rate increase from where his hand was positioned over yours. He must've noticed it too.

The Ezra's were so meticulous in their plans and their behaviour was always erratic and on another level of violence that it was impossible to believe one of their henchmen could even, for a second, have the thought of being nice to their victims.

But you were continuously surprised by them because as he took the empty tray, leaving behind the two waters and single juice, he 'accidentally' dropped the plastic rectangle and as he was walking away, his back turned to you both, a key fell and clanged against the ground, but he never looked back.

And just like that, the door slammed behind him, massively contrasting the immense kindness he showed mere seconds ago.

Holy friggin shit balls.


Was Trudy worried? Yes, indeed she is. Was she going to show any concern? No, not unless she was left alone with her detective.

Ever since dispatch had forwarded her Jay's call, she'd been on her feet and alert. And ever since she found out that Jackson and Ezra Murray were the culprits to blame, she was determined that they weren't going to get away again.

Trudy knew all the Halstead siblings, but she knew Jay the best. Over the many years, not only herself but many, many others were forced to get used to not one but three Halstead's being in existence and working within less than fifteen minutes from each other.

Currently, Trudy and Jay were alone in the bullpen since the younger detective was barred from any field work unless they found Will and Y/N's location but that was the only exception. Right now, her job was to keep Jay company, keep an eye on him and continue looking for any more clues or evidence that could be of any help.

Jay was very clearly still losing his mind and his mental and physical state deteriorated as time passed. At this point, Trudy couldn't help but think the worst and fear for how her detective was going to fare as a result.

Currently, she was sat opposite him at Hailey's desk, doing her own bit by going through security footage that had too many hours of video on it. Usually, she would get bored doing this, but it was a little different this time because whenever she glanced up, she was faced with the struggling sight of your brother who never asked for too much.

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