6. Halstead Stubborn

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Warnings: Mentions of violence, blood, injuries, abuse, kidnappings, shootings, and scary men.

Summary: Everyone in Chicago knows the signature Halstead stubbornness, but the Murray's only smell delusion.

A/N: A Levels are kicking my ass but enjoy!! This was also written on while I was at school so there might be a few mistakes. The angst in this is too good to be true if you ask me so buckle up ;)


The effects of the drugs were still present as Will came back to, vision blurry and body in agony as he re-adjusted himself on the cold floor. Everything came rushing back and he tried his best not to panic when he couldn't find Jay.

However, his panic became clear as day when he caught your unconscious figure laying almost too still on the floor, too far from him to reach you.

Despite calling out to you, trying his best to nudge you with his feet, you never moved, remaining immobile. Will swore he heard you groan but it was so silent he could easily blame it on delusion.

Trying his best not to jump to conclusions, Will tugged and moved his hands tied to metal pipes, trying as hard as he could to release himself so he could get to you.

And it might've taken what felt like years, resulting in his wrists to bleed out a bit too heavy than normal but he was already in so much pain that it made no difference.

As carefully as he could so not to aggravate any of his more serious injuries, Will brushed your hair away from sticking to your forehead to behind your ears.

On instinct, he checked for a pulse and choked back a sob when he felt it. It was definitely weak but it was there and that was all that mattered right now.

"Y/N? Y/N open those eyes for me." Will whispered, gently picking your head up and placing it on his thighs, letting them act as a pillow.

"I know you're in there so don't even try it with me young lady." He said, semi strict tone that he used to use when you were a teenager and he was the only fatherly figure in your life besides Jay.

Once again, you groaned from the sheer amount of pain you were in, tears pricking your eyes and falling down your cheeks when you didn't bother holding them back.

"There she is." Will continued whispering, a smile gracing his lips as the two of you made eye contact. He felt his chest tighten at the sight of your silent tears. "Hurts... It hurts Will." You said huskily, voice cracking and breaking, an indication that you were going to lose it soon. "It hurts so much."

"I know, I know it does." Will whispered, swallowing harshly as you shivered in his arms. "I'm so sorry but you have to stay awake for me."

Despite being in a haze, you let out a sound that indicated you were listening to him. As you did so, you forced your eyes open and studied your oldest brothers scar filled face.

"You're hurt Will." You said, trying to raise your voice in sternness but it only cracked further. Mustering as much strength as you could, you lifted your hand and gently poked his face with your own bloodied and worn out fingers.

Slightly wincing, Will held your wrist, his touch as light as a feather as he moved it away back onto your lap. "Don't talk to much okay? You need to preserve your energy and try not to lose your voice."

You were never a sticker for the rules, always foregoing your brothers advice whenever they lent it to you. "Tell me a story, something I don't know... please?"

The desperation soaked into your words, it almost brought Will back to a time where innocence was all the Halstead siblings knew. The image of a toddler you, wobbling along like a penguin but ambition shone bright in your eyes as it always did whenever you heard the boyish shouts of the only kids who'd have to become men too quickly

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