03 | Fly on the Wall

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Harrison remembers the first time his birth parents saw him have a vision.

He was 7, and they were swimming. Harrison ducked under the water, cut off from sound, light, taste, touch, and smell.

He floated to the surface, his pupils dilated and eyes wide open, his mouth moving but no words leaving.

The boy saw his parents talking, not in English, in Hebrew, obviously. What about?

Them moving. To America.

When he told them, they were absolutely dumbfounded. They hadn't had a reason to even consider it.

Until what Harrison saw in his next vision.

Harrison remembers it very specifically. He was laying in bed, cut from any sensory feelings except touch.

In the vision, he was sitting on his couch with his brother, Spencer.

He can't remember why they were mad at eachother, but it was definetly worse then a regular sibling arguement like what him and Nerris did.

Harrison was always the more forgiving and kind of the two, and even now– Harrison just wanted his brother to feel better.

He moved closer to Spencer, a kind smile on his face.

And then, Spencer snapped. Harrison doesn't remember what the arguement was about, again, and it appears the visions didn't either.

Harrison backed away from Spencer, his eyes were wide with confusion and fear. His veins felt hot, and the muscle around his eyes felt twitchy. His own problems weren't the highest priority.

He moved closer towards Spencer, and placed a hand onto his brother's shoulder.

Until.. y'know, there wasn't a Spencer's shoulder to put a hand on. He just.. disappeared. Spencer disappeared with nothing more than a shockwave and a panic-ridden Harrison Hershkowitz.

If only he'd known his own limits. His parents steered away from him and barely let him know about them moving.

But that was the past. He wasn't with his birth parents. Hell, he only calls them mom and dad cause he doesn't remember their names.

Harrison inhaled and exhaled nervously. This was the second time he'd be trying to force a vision upon himself.

He sat on the edge of his bed, holding a pair of noise-cancelling headphones the Sagehorns had bought him.

In his left hand, he held Nerris'. Their father's arm was spread over his shoulders.

"Are you ready, Harry?" Nerris asked him.

He nodded. He really felt like he just couldn't speak a language they understood sometimes (he was right, ofcourse, but that wasn't the point).

Harrison stood up and stalked off to the bathroom, where there was a tub full of room-temperature water and blackout curtains over the windows.

He began peeling off most of his clothing, until he stopped at his undershirt and pants. He looked at the water before stepping into the tub and sitting down. He applied the headphones.

Much like his visions, he felt nothing, saw nothing, heard nothing, and smelled nothing, and tasted nothing.

Harrison hated the entire process, but he was curious. He was scared.

Eventually, the sensory deprivation finally got to him. He slipped from the physical world and into another vision.

Harrison awoke with a gasp–

Where was he? The room he was in was white-walled, white-floored, white everything. There were nine others in the room. The fellow members of Teens Against Pollution. All of them were dressed in white, and they were handcuffed.

Instead of the usual kind of dress Neil usually wore, one that cut to just below his knees– he was in pants. Nikki, Ered, and Nerris were in dresses, even though they'd hardly ever wear them.

The doorhandle wiggled, and inside stepped a tall, blonde-haired, blue-eyed man. He was dressed in white and held a sinister smile.

"Well, kids! It's time. What time? Your last ones devoted to sinister thinking. All of your thoughts will be pure, and negativity-free! What better future could you think of?" He man spoke, and Harrison immediately knew this man's name, Daniel Ravenport.

The ten highschoolers looked at the man, until some other man, a redhead, informed him about something he couldn't here.

Daniel's face grew excited, and he waltzed out of the room of kids. The redhead turned towards the ten, and Harrison recognized his face, too.

Their science/home economics teacher and club sponsor, Prof. David Rosenthal. He wore white, but had a weary and weathered expression.

Prof. Rosenthal blinked owlishly and looked away, before mouthing 'I'm sorry,' and leaving the room.

Harrison then woke up. He immediately tried to un-cuff his hands, even if they were never truly cuffed.

The three Sagehorns and Ramona sat around the bathtub, all leaning forward as if Harrison would bring them the secrets of the universe.

Harrison coughed before he spoke.

"History Teacher.. is a cult leader."

i had a birthday thats why I was gone 😈

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