17 | Get On Your Hands and Knees and Pray For Us

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December 20, 2019

Harrison has been mourning since yesterday for his (estranged?) twin brother, Spencer.

People were going to die. They were going to lose their lives. He couldn't fathom it; but if he got to see Spencer again- maybe it was worth it.

No, no. He thought. He recoiled into himself on his bottom bunk, surrounded by the various others just moments before it was truly time to get up.

Somebody sits down next to him. Nerris? Preston? Junior- who'd seem to be following him around a lot more as of late? His second guess was right. It was Preston.

Harrison was pretty much sitting in the fetal position as Preston puts his hand over Harrison's.

Preston kneaded his thumb around Harrison's hand in an attempt to soothe him.

Harrison knew Preston would never understand the pain and distress he was going through, as Preston didn't have any siblings, much less one as close as Spencer and himself.

He didn't think he could talk, which would be an issue when it came time to pray- as Daniel needed to individually hear any and all voices of his underlings. Harrison leaned into Preston.

Every time he thought of the photobook, he'd look at Max and Neil. He'd unintentionally learned Max's nervous habits (tapping his hands on his knees, scratching the back of his neck excessively) and Neil's stims (tapping each finger on his thumb in an odd pattern and rocking back and forth in his seat). Harrison hated making people feel afraid. That was all he seemed to be good for.

Harrison was knocked from his stupor from a knock on the door. Even though none of them had a clock or a watch on hand, Harrison's intuition knew it wasn't time to pray just yet. His intuition had yet to prove him wrong.

The door opened to reveal the shorter boy from Port Damar's with the matching bleached uniform, who was aptly referred to as Billy. He spoke monotonously (as everything here seemed to be); "he has important news for you all. He wishes to see you all there."

The group whispered and queried about what Daniel could possibly have to show them. Harrison didn't contribute to the conversation at all.

They followed Billy (or as his uniform tag read, Nikssilp, Billy) out and down the hall to their usual meeting room.

All ten of them followed the boy (man? How old were the Port Damar ...kids?) down the halls, nobody emitting a single noise unlike their earlier times in the.. the cult.

They reached the double doors that always gave Harrison chills and they all enter said room. The others (Stephen, Edward, David and Daniel himself) were surrounding what looked like a stolen cafeteria table as Daniel gestured for them to sit.

They obliged and sat at the table, keeping close on the benches. Daniel smiled, exposing his pristine teeth that only spoke lies. "Everybody, welcome, welcome!" He opened his arms. "I know you're probably thrown off by the sudden change of schedule, but I assure you- it's all for a good cause. I will finally, personally, brgin helping you become your best selves." He turned to David and Edward. "David, Eddie, you may continue."

David smiled weakly. "Starting today, we will begin the process of preparing you all for your acsension." He folded his hands uncomfortably. Edward picked up on the statements after him.

"Starting noon, today, our very own Nicolette will be prepared as a sacrifice for Ultra-lord Xemüg. Her sacrifice will officially happen on the 25th of December, or better known as Christmas Day." Edward smiled, aswell, but there was no emotion behind it, like he was comepletely dissociated.

Harrison's eyes widened and others gasped. Nikki's breath hitched as Neil wrapped his arms around her. Nerris set their arm on her shoulder. Dolph scooted a bit close and leaned over Nerris, his hands folded nervously on the table.

Junior entwines his finger's with Harrison's, even though he doesn't think physical touch is the best idea right now- he knew the younger needed even minimal comfort. Preston took his other hand, which he didn't mind.

"Nicolette," Daniel said, his voice smooth like warmed butter. "I don't see why you're upset. You will be the first of your friends as an offering." He seemed irritated, but you couldn't tell aside from his voice. "Anyways, Nicolette will be with Eddie, Stephen, and Billy for the remainer of her days. I hope you get acquainted well."

The other nine of them were excused back to their room until lunch, but Nikki was to remain with the other group. Worry bubbled in Harrison's stomach. Daniel had obviously done something personal to the Pikeman guy, so what would he do to Nikki?

As they reached their shared room, Harrison musters the feeling to say something. "I can make myself have a vision. If you want." He said loudly.

Heads turn. A frazzled Neil responds panickedly. "Please, Harrison- goddamn, please!" Harrison could see the desperation and fear in his peer's eyes. It motivated him. Maybe he wasn't obly created to be feared.

Nerris steps forward, crossing their arms. "Are you sure, Haz?" They asked, looking at him with concern.

Neil turns to Nerris swiftly. "He just offered to!" He retorts. Tears prick in Neil's eyes and his voice breaks.

Harrison walks up to Nerris and places a hand on their shoulder. "It's his sister." He says assuringly. Nerris' face soften and they uncross their arms.

"Alright. You know what you're doing. I trust you." Nerris holds up their fist for a fist-bump, which Harrison reciprocates.

Harrison walks over to his bed and lays down slowly. He closes his eyes, going deep into thought. Usually, by now, with the half-assed deprivation, he'd of gone into a vision. He hadn't, though.

His ears began to ring like they did when he had a meltdown; but that's not what this was. He couldn't breathe through his nose, and could hardly breathe through his mouth. His ears felt waterlogged, and he felt paralyzed. His arms began convulsing wildly and his sight faded from the regular black to a bright stinging red. Something was talking in the background, but he couldn't figure out who or what. He heard a stabbing noise, followed by a scream and then a disgusting gurgling noise before a muffled thump. Was that... was that Nikki?

He woke up screaming, Preston towering over him. He backed off when Harrison woke up. He could feel something liquid trickling down his lips and chin and his cheeks by his ears. With shaky breath, he tapped it reluctantly. Blood.

He looked at the others, his chest heaving. All he did was breath at them for a moment, eyes wide, before he shook his head. "No..."

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