05 | "The Theatre Kid Always Had Problems With Boundaries."

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Preston Goodplay lazed across the sofa in the living room as the gazillionth cooking show of the evening played, which sucked his grandma (his legal guardian) in like a fly to honey.

Preston had texted Harrison about an hour ago simply asking 'wyd???' and he hadn't even looked at the message. That son of a bitch.

At that sudden thought, his phone dinged. Immediately, he scrambled to check it, seeing if it were him.

Oh, Harrison. What wasn't there to love? Except from the few times he'd go hours without responding to Preston.

Preston loved his accent, his fashion, his interests. Even if he didn't like it himself, he was happy to see that Harrison did. He liked this guy, a lot. Even if it were just a boyhood crush.

Anyways, Preston stopped fantasizing about his boy-crush and checked the message. "Speak of the devil." He mutters.

"What was that, dear?" His grandmother asks.

"Nothing, gram-gram!" He shouts, noting her hearing issues.

Since they communicated using Snapchat, he bounced with excitement as he opened his phone to check the message.

Harry!!! 💞
Sorry about that, Pres. Had a panic attack.

Oh shit?? You good babes??!

Harry!!! 💞
Yeah i'm fine rn. Just laying with the cat.

You talk with ur parents or nerris abt it already??

Harry!!! 💞
Sorry i dont wanna talk abt it rn.

Thats fine. Wanna call??

Harry!!! 💞
Not really. Might jusy go sleep

Cool cool have a gn babes

Harry!!! 💞
Thanks, Pres. Have a goodnight.

Preston's heart ached with sympathy. He's only heard about how bad Harrison's panic attacks could be. But he wasn't going to lie, he was curious.

The theatre kid always had problems with boundaries. He wanted to know more. So, he texted Nerris hoping to pry out some information from them.

Pres pres
Hey........ Nerris??

Nerris the really, really ugly
Havent seen u use that many dots since you wanted me to cheat on our 7th grade english test for us what do you want hoe

Pres pres
Mean bitch

.. is Harrison okay??

Nerris the really, really ugly
He's doin fine atm, why??

Pres pres
He told me he had a panic attack again, he tell u?

Nerris the really, really ugly
No...? Im gonna check on him brb

Pres pres

Nerris the really, really ugly
Wtf?? Why???

Pres pres
He's tryin to sleep talk to him abt it tmrw

Nerris the really, really ugly
Okay....??? Is that, yknow.. it??

Pres pres
I'm curious. Can we call??

Nerris the really, really ugly
Yea sure

Preston pushes part of his bangs behind his ear and looks at his phone as 'Nerris the really, really ugly is calling'

"Hey, Nerris." He says, biting the inside of his cheek.

"Hey, Pres.. what's up...?" The other says, their voice seeming shaky.

"He's been having those panic attacks a lot, right?" Preston asks- no, demands.

"What?" Nerris responds. "Well, sure.."

"How long has he been having them?"

"Since he's been adopted. Maybe longer, he hasn't told us."

"Mm... okay." Preston muses. He feels there is something else that their hiding. "Is that it?"


"I'm not just your best friend, Nerris, but Harrison's, too," he clearly states before he pauses. "Please?"

"Alright. I'll wake him up. He'll tell you himself."

Minutes pass as Preston hears Nerris open doors, pet the cat, and finally work on waking Harrison.

"Harry??" They shake Harrison briefly. "Wake up, bitch."

He hears Ramona meow. "Harrison Hershkowitz!" Nerris shouts.

"Nerris, dear?" Their mother calls. "What's the commotion about?"

"He's not waking up, mom! I think it's another vision, I... I'm sorry, Preston, I'll call you back maybe." Nerris said. His phone clicked before the call ended.


What.. vision?

Was he going to be okay?


The struggles real my dude ☠️

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