19 | I Am The Fire

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Christmas Eve, 2019

The moment Neil grabbed the gun, he knew it was time to enact his promise. After witnessing Daniel brutally murder two people in cold blood, he knew the man would do the same to his sister.

Neil wouldn't let him.

"Hey, kid, Neil, please. You know this is all for the greater good. Give me the gun." Daniel pleaded, his cold, dead blue eyes giving Neil no sense of solace.

He said nothing in response. He looked at the dead bodies of David Rosenthal and Edward Pikeman, both face down and bleeding profusely.

"Give me the gun, Neil." The man demanded.

"No." Neil retorted. "Where the fuck is my sister." He looked at Daniel, his eyes wide. This man had taken so much out of other people; what was a bit out of him worth?

Neil aimed the gun up at Daniel, two shots left. His hands are shaky, but determined.

Daniel grossly crawls on top of the boy and grabs the barrel, aiming it away from himself. Neil tries to aim the gun once more, but Daniel's grip is too strong.

Neil's attention is caught when he spots Max creeping up behind Daniel. He raises his foot and kicks Daniel on the right side of his head, sending the man into a daze and causing him to drop the barrel. Neil pushes him off and stands up.

"I'll ask one more time. Where the fuck is my sister?" Neil aims the gun at Daniel.

"Neil, you know I'd never hurt you," the man lied. He lied through his teeth.

Billy stepped up, "kill him!" He shouted.

"Billy. Go get my sister." Neil commanded, his aim unwavering. Billy stalked off sheepishly, seeming to not care what happened to Daniel anymore.

Neil breathed in, then he breathed out. The time was now.

He closed his eyes,

And then he pulled the trigger.

Daniel fell dead, too, not long after he finished twitching and shit. It was gross.

He dropped the gun, the noise of the shot ringing is his ears like a crying baby. He trembled.

February 17, 2020

Harrison sat on the bleachers, playing his euphonium, for his school's Varsity Boys Basketball team. His hands still shook from that December night, but overall, he'll heal.

The second game of the night soon came to a close and the pep band kids slowly filed back into the band room. He put his euphonium in it's case, put his jacket on (it was snowing), and made his way out of the school with the euphonium in hand.

A redheaded boy met him outside. This boy being his friend, Preston. Predton turned to Harrison, the theater kid's hands interlocked with eachother nervously. "Harrison!" He began. "May I have a minute of your time?" Preston asks, fixing his earmuffs and avoiding eye contact.

"Yeah, 'course." Harrison responded, setting his instrument down. "What's up?"

"Valentine's day was three days ago," Preston states.

"...right," Harrison says in response.

Preston inhales. "I'd like to take you out on a date. Tonight. If possible." He rambles like word vomit.

"I-" Harrison swallows and chuckles nervously. "Come again? You want to take... me... on a date?"

"That is what I said." Preston's face doesn't contort into the nervous half-smile Harrison believed it would, but he continues. "We can take my car."

The prophet smiles inwardly at his fate, exhaling, watching his breath in the cold, and replies. "I'd love to." Harrison picks his euphonium back up.

Preston laughs good-naturedly and takes Harrison's left hand in his own. They smile at eachother.

The two begin to walk to Preston's car. When they do, Harrison puts his euphonium in the back seat. Preston sits the driver's seat, Harrison in the passenger's.

The two look at eachother momentarily. Harrison presses a kiss to the side of Preston's face which causes him to smile widely.

They were healing.

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