12 | Are You Happy Now?

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[TW: There's a lot of blood and vomit and death and stuff and Harrison has a panic attack in this chapter so stay safe bbg 😘]

Harrison hated the sensation of putting himself through something like this. His hair stood on end and he didn't feel like he could trust anyone.

This vision was odd, however, as Harrison had free will to walk around as much as he pleased.

It was monochrome, the halls, like a run-down hospital. He paced around the building to look for a door. Maybe he was only supposed to see what lie beyond it.

Once he found it, it wasn't relief that he felt. It was fear, hesitation, suspense. The doors were double and had no windows. He reached for it, nervously. His hand clasped around the door handle. And as quickly as he grasped it, he opened the door.

The smell hit Harrison first. It was like bleach mixed with fruit perfume, but also rusty with undertones of iron. Then, the sight.

Oh god, what Harrison saw.

The blood coating the floor was probably an inch in height, drying around the deceased bodies of his fellow Dayrage citizens. Many of them looked as if they'd thrown up excessively and choked on their own vomit.

At the other end there was a minor platform, like an elongated step.

There stood the history teacher, Mr. Ravenport, a ritual knife in his hand. Three boys stood next to him, most likely the ones Preston had mentioned. Their hands weren't clean, either, but they looked horrified.

Harrison immediately wanted to wake up, but once his vision started- he'd have to play it to the end. He cried as he watched people he hardly knew slosh around in cross-contaminated blood. None of his friends and family were there, thank god, but it still wasn't good.

"Now, boys, what did we learn?" Ravenport piqued, his voice monotonous and unbothered despite the situation.

"Not to question the word of our Ultra-lord Xemüg, sir." Two of boys replied in fearful unison. The tall one seemed to grunt, and Ravenport understood him.

The next thing Harrison heard was the sound of footsteps in the hallway. Voices, too. Recognizable voices, like those of his friends.

He shut the door as quickly as possible and tried to beg them not to open the door, his efforts fruitless as they could not see or hear him.

Mr. Rosenthal, or David, as he allowed them to call him was the one to open the door, shotgun in hand.

"This is it. Don't open it." The future Harrison spat. "They're in there, but so are the corpses." He looked weary and tired, his hair disheveled, even compared to present Harrison.

The future Harrison seemed to look right through the wallflower version of himself, as if he knew he was watching.

"They're out there." He heard Ravenport state confidently. "Boys, you know what to do."

"We have to run. Now!" The future Harrison shouted before the group split up. Present Harrison cringed at the horror movie logic, but ultimately pushed it down.

He heard Ravenport and the boys walk through the blood, the splashing eerily loud. Ravenport threw the doors open, his understudies in tow.

"Get them. Now." The cult leader demanded; his eyes narrowing at each of the boys. "By any means necessary."

This is the part Harrison woke up.

He gasped loudly before he broke down in tears, shaking uncontrollably and unable to breathe; as if he was constricted by a snake.

His brought his limp hands to his eyes as he coughed and gasped in the bathtub. "They're going to die, they're all going to die..!" He managed to choke out.

Harrison thinks his father heard him wake up, so that's who he heard knocking on the door.

"Harry, bud..? Are you back now?" Leslie asked as he politely wrapped his knuckles on the door. Perhaps he heard Harrison's hazardous breathing pattern. "Harrison, I'm- I'm coming in."

When Leslie opened the door, he did, in fact, notice Harrison's panicked state. The man proceeded to sit next to the bathtub in an attempt to console his son.

"They're all doing to die, dad- they're all going to die and I can't do anything about it..!" He cried out. Leslie looked at him in worry.

Leslie calmly took Harrison's hands in his own, something he'd picked up after taking care of his adopted son for two years. Leslie didn't seem to understand the situation, though.

Harrison started to calm, but had one request: "Can you get Nerris..?"

"Of course, Harry." Leslie stood up and poked his head outside the door. "Nerris, dear, Harry's asking for you!"

Leslie reentered the room with Nerris behind him. The sat down next to Harrison as he tried to stand, shaky like a newborn fawn.

"Nerris, I- you need to tell the club. A lot of people are going to die, and they might be apart of them." He stated clearly before he started coughing.

Leslie looked at his two kids in shock. "What.. what's going on?"

Nerris responded next to immediately. "I'm sorry, dad.., but I can't tell you. Not yet."

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