Two Years, Two Victors and Two Friends

260 9 53

05 February 72PD

Luna feels an odd sense of satisfaction as she watches the newly crowned victor, Johanna Mason, have the most stiff, awkward dance with President Snow. She glances around the room and sees many of the preexisting victors snickering at the uncomfortable interaction.

"That poor girl." Haymitch laughs from beside Luna. "You can tell she is currently wishing that she had died in the arena. Anything is better than dancing with that sniveling, slimey, shriveled prune."

Luna can not stop the laugh that escapes her lips as Haymitch mutters the four part insult about the man that leads their country. Despite the pair being far too drunk already, Haymitch and Luna were sober enough to appreciate a well worded insult when they heard one, and Haymitch's newest creation may just be their favourite.

"I'm going to get the poor girl some liquor. After dancing with him she needs enough alcohol to disinfect her inside and out." The girl smirks as she walks to the bar and picks the victor up a drink, then waits at the edge of the dance floor for her. The song finishes and Johanna makes what Luna thinks could be the quickest beeline she has ever seen away from Snow.

"Whiskey, on the rocks." Luna smiles and holds the drink out.

"You are a saviour." Johanna nods as she takes the glass and has a sip. "How did you know I'd need it?"

"After my dance with him last year I wanted to skin myself." The girl's both laugh as the words leave her mouth. "Now get that down you and we can get the next ones together."

"Are you flirting with me already?" Johanna jokes as she raises an eyebrow,

"Well yes, if I want you in my bed by the end of the night, the flirting needs to start as soon as possible."

"Lead the way." Johanna tries, but fails, to stop herself from laughing.

"To the bar, or my bed?"

"The bar first, your bed later." The victor winks at Luna, and the pair make their way to the bar. "So, you and fish boy?"

Luna blushes and lets out a small giggle. "We're dating. No one knows except the other victors. We're not allowed to date anyone, so we keep it secret."

"That's such bullshit!" Johanna exclaims and finishes the whiskey in her glass. "You're literally the only person that can keep that peacock under control."

"Peacock?" The pair both burst out laughing.

"He shows off his assets, like how a Peacock shows off its feathers."

"You're not wrong." Luna signals to the bartender for another round for the pair then looks back to Johanna. "He's always been different around me. I don't know why he changes when we're here, but I hate it."

"I still can't believe that you guys managed to make me believe you two got together whilst I was in the arena. Like I could feel the chemistry just seeing you two together at my tribute parade, I don't know how I didn't click."

"Don't worry, us victors have decided that we will be pulling this on everyone now and make them think we aren't dating to begin with."

"Oooo mischievous. I like it." Johanna clinks her glass against Luna's.


Fumbling with her keys, Luna laughs as she fails miserably at her attempt of opening the door to Finnick's hotel room.

"I mean it." Johanna hiccups. "You're staying with me. I don't need to hear you and fish boy through the walls tonight."

"Don't worry your pretty little head. Me and you will have a lovely cuddle in the guest room."

Accepting a False Fate • Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now