Consequences of a Victor's Life

237 9 106

27-28 July 74PD

Luna holds her breath as Katniss hastily loads an arrow onto her bow and aims it towards Ajax. The career is currently holding Peeta around his neck, ready to snap it if Katniss makes any sudden moves. It was the final showdown. Will there be one winner, or two? Are District 12 finally going to have another winner?

"Come on, Girl on Fire. Do it. Shoot me. Kill me right here right now and you both win." The boy stutters out, evidently trying his hardest to not let his emotions get the better of him. "I mean- let's face it- I was never going to win. We've won the last two years, they won't let us win again. I didn't understand it at the start, but as soon as they made that announcement it clicked. I was always meant to die."  Copious amounts of snot and sweat are pooled on the boy's face as he frantically tries to distract the girl and stay alive as long as he can.

Scanning the room with her eyes, the redheaded victor can see that all of the mentors in the room are watching the screens, engrossed in the showdown which will determine this year's Victor or Victors. Haymitch is probably the most focussed on his screen; he is leaning forward in his chair, muttering words that Luna can't quite make out under his breath. Clio is watching, but has been particularly checked out since Clove died, and Cato is talking to the screens, willing Ajax to 'just kill them', as if he can hear him.

"I can still do it though, I can snap loverboy's neck, then you'll be an easy final kill. But I won't make it quick, I will sit and watch you suffer for hours before I finally put you out of your misery. Then, once you're finally dead, I'll throw your body to the mutts. That way your family won't have a body to be returned to them. Is that what they want? They want me to kill you." He readjusts his grip on Peeta's torso to ensure the boy can not break free.

The boy continues his rant, not noticing that Peeta has signaled to Katniss to fire at his hand, in an effort to get the upper hand in the situation. The District 12 girl quickly fires her arrow directly into Ajax's hand, causing him to pull back and release Peeta.

Fuelled by pure rage and adrenaline in the moment, Ajax rips the arrow out of his hand and lunges forward, towards Katniss, shouting "you fucking bitch! I am going to kill you!" As he reaches the girl, she swiftly shoves him backwards by his shoulders. The action causes the boy to lose his balance, his feet stumbling backwards, and he falls off of the metal structure, hitting the floor with a thud. Without missing a beat, the 21 mutts on the floor surround the boy's body, and begin mauling him.

"Should we kill him?" Peeta asks Katniss over the boy's screams of pain.

"No. We'll watch him suffer." The girl spits, anger dripping from her voice.

Hours pass, the main sound echoing from the speakers is Ajax's strangled screams as the mutts, which resemble the features of all the fallen tributes of that year, continue to tear flesh from his still writhing body. Along with the boys screams, the viewers can also hear the satisfied growls of the mutts as they feast on the best meal of their existence. Finally, after approximately 9 hours of no further action in the games, Katniss fires an arrow into the center of Ajax's forehead and a cannon sounds, symbolising that the boy has finally been put out of his misery.

Katniss and Peeta watch as the mutts run off into the forest, and wait until they are positive they will not return, then carefully lower themselves to the floor. They look up at the sky, waiting for the announcement of their victory, but this does not come. Instead, a new announcement is made.

"Attention. Attention, tributes. There has been a slight rule change. The previous revision allowing for two victors from the same district has been revoked. Only one victor may be crowned. Good luck. And may the odds be ever in your favour."

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