The Angel of Death

246 9 79

05 July 73PD

"Okay, I will speak to Calder after the parade. Provided your guys are happy with him, we can agree an alliance is the best choice. I will make sure Finnick speaks to you and lets you know." Luna speaks to Brutus and Enobaria. It was supposed to be Finnick's responsibility, but he's off fucking about with Cato, and so the girl has been left with the task. Luna really doesn't get involved in alliance meetings, mainly because they trigger her, but also because she hates the idea of sending her tributes into an alliance where they risk being stabbed in the back by the career pack.

"Speaking of Finnick, where is he? Shouldn't he be here using his charm to impress people?" Enobaria sneers and raises an eyebrow.

"Probably in the same place as your newest mentor; they haven't stopped competing with each other since they arrived earlier today." The trio laugh softly at the idea of the two boys racing each other around the tribute center, probably pissing off all the Peacekeepers in the process.

"Come on then, tell me how amazing I look. Because I look hot." A voice calls from behind Luna. She turns to see the District 2 female tribute standing, smirking. The girl has a beautiful white two piece on, with the majority of her abdomen being on display. The outfit is white, but the skirt and shoal over the dress has a grey marble pattern across it.

She is a child. Why are they making her look like a prostitute? Luna holds back a physical shudder at the thought of the young girl being exploited.

"You look perfect." Enobaria nods.

"You look hot! I'll be back!" A male voice shouts in their direction, closely followed by the blur of two bodies sprinting past them.

"Why on earth do you two ladies have the most immature boyfriends?" Enobaria sighs at the sight of the two mentors racing around, almost knocking things (and people) over. Luna's eyes widen slightly as the words leave the woman's mouth, concerned she has just said, rather loudly, that Luna and Finnick are dating.

The group watch as Cato and Finnick begin to run back in their direction. Fed up with them not helping, and wanting Finnick to win, Luna sticks her leg out in front of Cato, who trips and falls to the floor with a thud. It appears that Clio also had the same idea as Finnick's body also hits the floor, having tripped over her foot. The boys both go to complain that the others partner had cheated, then they notice that they had both fallen, and so they get to their feet.

"Draw. But I definitely would have won." Cato smirks.

"In your dreams, Hadley. You've not won a single race yet." Finnick replies, his smirk and tone quite possibly the cockiest Luna has ever heard or seen.

"Right. Lets stop this pissing contest and focus on the task at hand please." Brutus snaps. "Finnick, Luna has graciously done the beginning of your job for you, so she will fill you in later."

"Actually Brutus I'll be-" Finnick begins, hoping to tease the man.

"Do not finish that sentence, Odair. I'll have Enobaria tare your throat out."

"Sorry." Finnick laughs.

"Okay Finnick, let's leave them be." Luna does not wait for a response, taking the man by the wrist and dragging him to their chariot. Whilst Finnick speaks to their tributes, Luna can't think of anything apart from the fact she recognises the District 2 female, but can't quite put her finger on why.


08 July 73PD

"How is she?" Enobaria sighs as Brutus renters their floor.

Accepting a False Fate • Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now