Chapter 6

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Annabeth's POV:

Over the next few days, Emily began to become more familiar with Camp. Campers got used to her, and eventually became friendly with her. But there was something that wasn't right.

For starters, she was a lot harder to read than anybody else I had met. She denied being a demi-god, though Chiron said that this was natural, though he himself felt unconvinced. I still couldn't shake out the sight of Emily burning through the sky and crash landing on Half-Blood Hill. After Percy had finally told me about Grover, I felt even more sure. Grover's instincts were usually exact, so I had little to doubt him of.

Finally, Emily also spent time with Percy. Like, a lot of time. They chatted about New York this and New York that, and it was too much. I mean, it's not like I like Seaweed Brain in that way, but he's my friend, and I will not let that girl take him away.

Piper's POV:

We saw this new girl; Emily I think her name was, approach the Poseidon Table with Annabeth and Percy. Annabeth seemed okay then, but fast forward a couple of days, and she is .

"I can't believe it!" She stormed for about the 50th time. "How dare she!"

Now she had some sort of problem with Emily, and I knew exactly what it was. Annabeth was jealous of Emily. I mean, who wouldn't? Emily had flawless skin, a perfectly proportioned body, a graceful air. And the fact that she likes talking to Percy. That bugged Annabeth the most.

See, I'm 99.99999% sure that Annabeth has a mild (huge) crush on Percy. She thinks that Emily does too and according to Annabeth 'is trying to steal Percy from me'. I never thought I said this, but she is completely wrong.

Emily sees Percy as a friend, someone to talk to about their hometown. And Percy feels the same way. Plus, a girl like that probably already has a boyfriend. But I couldn't see it.

I was still puzzling over this when Leo walked up to me, his clothes smouldering as usual.

"Heya," he grinned. "Who do you think Emily's godly parent is?"

I turned to him. Whenever a new camper turned up, the rest of us hold a debate about their mum or dad.

"Even with, I think she's a daughter of Zeus," I replied. "She has that sort of queenly state."

Leo looked shocked. "Well, you obviously haven't talked to her," he continued "She is super nice, so my guess is a daughter of Athena, Hermes or Apollo."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yup," Leo said. "Talk to her."

So, at the dinner table, I walked over to Emily. "Hey," I said. "My name is Piper,"

"Hi Piper," Emily replied.

"How are you finding camp?" I asked.

"It's awesome!" Emily said. "You seem like family!" She had a wistful look on her face, which I easily interpreted. All campers felt like this.

"Yeah, we are, and you are too." I said, putting charmspeak in my words.

Surprisingly, Emily seemed unmoved. "No," she replied. "I'm not."

Emily had said it like she had proof of her claim.

Emily began talking again. "How do you guys find this place?" she asked.

"Well usually we have a satyr to guide us." I .

Emily smiled, and it looked like sparkles. "Like Percy."

"Ahh," I said knowingly. "Our young son of Poseidon, the most talented swordman in camp." I .

"Poseidon?" Emily said. "That makes sense."

"Yeah, he's holding a duelling practice tomorrow, you could go if you wanted to learn how to fight."

"You know what?" Emily asked. "That sounds like a great idea!"

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